How to enable WPA2 encryption in Windows Vista

  • WPA2 encryption is the most secure for WiFi networks, surpassing WEP in protection.
  • Accessing the router settings is essential to enable WPA2.
  • It is required to use a password of 8 to 64 characters in WPA2.
  • The password change must be done on each device connected to the network.


WPA2 encryption is currently the most secure that we can find in any WiFi network. Unlike WEP keys, which are easy to decrypt, WPA2 protection is currently impossible to decrypt, which is why it is what we always have to use to protect our WiFi networks. To encrypt our WiFi signal It does not matter exactly from which operating system or version of Windows we use, since what we are going to do is access the router to access the configuration and establish the WPA2 encryption so that no one can access it, not even using key dictionaries, with which we can try to break the security of the networks with WEP protection.


First of all, we must turn the router over to check which is its web address and to be able to access the system configuration. Once we have obtained the web address, which It will be of the style /  We open our browser, it doesn't matter which one we use, and we enter that address.

In the next step, the router will ask us for the username and password to be able to access. These data are usually in the router instructions. But we can also find them at the bottom of the device. If we cannot find it anywhere, we can search the internet for the router key on the internet, searching Google for the router model.

Once inside the router configuration, each configuration is different, we must look for the Wireless / WLAN option. Next we look for the Authentication Mode option and in the drop-down box we select WPA2. In the following WPA PreSharedKey box, click and enter the key we want for our WiFi network. This key must be a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 64, and we can use ASII or Hexadecimal characters.

Once we have entered the password, click on Apply or Save, depends on the router. The router will restart and seconds later we will have to change the password on all the devices on which that WiFi network was configured.

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