The end of Windows 10 will come in 2025, what will happen then?

  • Windows 10 will be discontinued on October 14, 2025 for Home and Pro versions.
  • After this date, there will be no more updates or official support for Windows 10.
  • Microsoft is looking to encourage users to migrate to Windows 11.
  • Users should consider security and stability after end of support.

Windows 10

Tras the official release of Windows 11 by Microsoft began to appear some users who they do not want to install the new operating system of the firm on their computers for various reasons. This is something that may become understandable considering new installation requirements of it, among other details.

And, if this is your case, your alternative is probably to keep Windows 10 on your computer, a version that was released back in 2015. However, the truth is that Microsoft has announced that, 10 years after its official launch, in the year 2025 the operating system will be discontinued and therefore its support will end. Now when exactly will this happen and what does it mean?

Goodbye to Windows 10 in 2025: Microsoft announces the withdrawal of support for the operating system

As we mentioned, in this case Microsoft has been quite clear and some support end dates have already begun to appear from the company. Specifically, the final goodbye to Windows 10 will occur on October 14, 2025, at least for regular users of the Home and Pro versions that have been marketed from said operating system.

Windows 11
Related article:
Upgrading to Windows 11: compatibility, pricing, and everything we know so far

Windows 10

That day, what will happen is exactly the same as what happened in 2020 with Windows 7, as well as with other previous Microsoft operating systems: updates and official support will be over. In this way, the security of the system or stability is not guaranteed in any case from the year 2025, although until then it will continue to be updated. And, if you need help with the system, say that from that date Microsoft will also stop offering it.

In this way, the intention on the part of the company is quite logical, and what they are looking for is that as many users as possible switch to the new Windows 11, something that will be facilitated as it happened in its day with the arrival of Windows 10 for Windows 7 and Windows 8 users.

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