ERD Commander 2008, for when all else fails

Application ERD Commander 2008 provides us with an excellent tool to recover the system and repair the problems that prevent Windows NT, 2000, XP and Server 2003 when your boot fails and the emergency disk or recovery console cannot repair them.

This program acts as if it were an emergency operating system from a 3.5 ”disk, CD-ROM or directly from a hard disk, being able to replace the corrupted files or add the files that have been deleted by mistake.

The important thing about this application is to repair the system no need to reinstall, format or backup from the computer, or download a file from the internet that many times is not enough.

We just have to let ourselves be carried away by extremely simple graphical interface, being able to eliminate or replace the drivers that do not work, update critical files system or fix security flaws that have caused the disaster in our computer.

And if we simply want to transfer the data from one system to another, this tool also compress and simplify the number of files, counting on an efficient record of what we do in case we repent and want to return to the initial state.

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      acg said

    Does it work for windows vista?