We like to bring you all the news, both at the level of the mobile version of Windows, and for the desktop version. This time we focus on the mobile version, and it is that Facebook and WhatsApp Beta for Windows 10 Mobile are updated with some news that we want to bring you so that you are fully informed and keep your Lumia device or any other compatible with Windows 10 up to date. two applications are independent, but have received an update the same day, perhaps it has something to do with WhatsApp being owned by Facebook. We tell you what this latest WhatsApp and Facebook update consists of.
The truth is that we cannot ask too much of the Beta versions of an application, however, in the Windows 10 environment many of them proliferate. Both had quite a few performance glitches that made them almost unusual in some situations. On the other hand, we find that of Facebook, somewhat faster than the version provided by the Redmond team. Until now, when pressing the Messenger icon it closed unexpectedly, it seems that they have solved that, but nothing else, the application is still in beta state and maintains the same user interface and the same performance as until now, a performance which is really not bad.
Finally we have WhatsApp, the most popular instant messaging client on the planet. A novelty launched in iOS and Android recently was to quote messages, well, now we can also do it in Windows 10 Mobiel. At the same time, they have integrated the possibility of seeing the status updates of our contacts with a single glance. However, little by little the applications are improving, but as we have already said, do not expect too much from the beta versions, and especially when Windows 10 Mobile continues to plummet.