In recent days, several computer attacks have been launched against important companies, which puts our data in question and even our passwords are published on web pages.
Currently there are web services that by entering our name or our email, they tell you whether or not the password or the data that have been published relative to it have been published. One of the most famous web applications is have I been pwned?. However, there are already applications for Windows 10 that do the same but natively for our operating system, without having to load a tab from our web browser.
Hacked? lets us know if our email account and password is on the underground lists
The application we are referring to is called hacked?, an application for Windows 10 that informs us if our accounts or our users in social networks have been compromised. Thus, first we have to get the application in its official website . After installing it on our computer, we run Hacked? and we enter the username or email account from which we want to know if our password has been leaked or not.
Hacked? is a free application that makes use of all those web pages that publish the data of our email accounts as well as those web services that look for if we are or not in the underground lists, but Hacked? contains advertising. Advertising is not intrusive but we can remove it if we opt for the premium version of the application.
Hacked? It is an interesting application, but it is normal that for many it is something to be wary of. In these cases, it is best to change the password for all web services and all the email accounts we have. It is a slower and more laborious process but it is also more secure.