How to Pin Taskbar Control Panel in Windows 7

  • Windows 7 remains the most widely used and stable operating system.
  • The Control Panel is essential for accessing relevant settings.
  • Pinning Control Panel to the taskbar makes it easier to access.
  • This method can be applied to other programs in Windows 7.


Once again we are here with our manuals and user guides for all Microsoft operating systems. This time we bring you a tutorial on Windows 7, despite the fact that many media insist on burying it, it is still the most used operating system, and its stability supports it. We want to show you how to set the taskbar control panel in Windows 7. The Windows Control Panel is one of the most versatile Windows tools, so having its situation in the system well controlled and making it easier to access can be relevant for most users. Come in, we will tell you how to perform this action as quickly and easily as possible.

Thanks to the control panel we will have quick access to the most relevant configuration settings of our equipment, there we will find absolutely everything, so do not lose sight of it. You can speed up access to the Control Panel in such an easy and fast way that you can't even imagine it:

  1. Click "Start" via the taskbar. Now you just have to look for the "Control Panel" icon.
  2. Once inside, the taskbar will show the Control Panel icon, represented by a blue computer, it will not be difficult to locate it. This is usually the rightmost icon on the taskbar.
  3. Click on the aforementioned icon with the right or secondary button. When the pop-up menu appears, we select the option «... this program on the taskbar».
  4. We can now close the Control Panel.
  5. Now we can see that the Control Panel icon will remain perennial in the control bar, we can access it with a single click.

This same method can be used to pin any other program or executable to the taskbar, don't forget.

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