How to fix "This app can't run on your computer" error in Windows 10?

  • Check the software compatibility requirements to avoid runtime errors.
  • Use Windows Compatibility Mode to run older applications.
  • Make sure the executable file is not corrupted or damaged.
  • Run the program as administrator to avoid permissions issues.

fix cannot run this app on windows 10 computer

One of the factors that made the fact of having personal computers very attractive was the possibility of installing applications and programs. Although when doing a Windows installation we have a whole series of tools and options available, all users usually incorporate their own software. Although we are talking about a really easy process and to which we are used to, it is not always the case because problems can arise. In that sense, today we want to talk specifically about how to fix the error that this app cannot run on your computer in Windows 10. This is a very common situation, so we are going to show you the possible causes and solutions available.

The installation of a program in Windows is something that requires meeting various requirements and depends on certain factors, therefore, we need to carry out a troubleshooting process to quickly determine where the fault is and solve it.

Ways to fix the error This app can't run on your Windows 10 computer

Next we are going to review each of the elements that can affect the appearance of the error in order to solve it as quickly as possible. So if you are trying to install or run a program on your computer, you can easily fix the cannot run this application on Windows computer error.


At the moment of having problems with the execution or installation of a program or application, the first thing that we must check are the compatibility aspects. This is essential, since if we do not meet the requirements set by the software, there will be no way to run it. In this sense, it is necessary that you verify, first of all, the minimum requirements of the program, including the architecture requested and the operating system.

In case you have the wrong version, the solution will be to go to the manufacturer's page and get the installer corresponding to your OS and processor architecture.

compatibility mode

On the other hand, it is worth highlighting a compatibility aspect that we can solve if the error appears indicating that this application cannot be executed on the Windows 10 computer. This is the so-called Compatibility Mode offered by Windows, with the purpose of generating the necessary environment to execute those programs that were compatible with previous versions of the operating system.. So, if you get the error in question because you are dealing with a very old program, you can do the following:

  • Right click on the program.
  • Enter in «Properties«.
  • Go to the «Compatibility«.
  • Enable the box identified as «Run this program in compatibility mode to«.
  • Click on the dropdown menu and select the operating system with which the application is compatible.
  • Click OK and run the application again.

Compatibility mode

In this way, you will have the possibility to use everything from applications to old games, thanks to this Windows feature that generates all the conditions to run the programs.

The integrity of the executable

On many occasions we have headaches when we cannot install a program, thinking that the problem is in the operating system, when it is really in the file. A corrupt executable can generate various error messages from Windows, so if everything is correct in terms of compatibility, we will have to verify the integrity of the executable.

To do this, it is necessary to check if we are downloading it from the internet or if we are running it from a storage device. If you are downloading it, try to do it from the manufacturer's official website and nothing else, in order to avoid getting corrupted executables or malware. Likewise, check that the download is being carried out correctly, to do so, compare the weight of the file you downloaded with the one shown on the page. In case it weighs less, then we recommend you download again.

In case you are executing the file from an external disk or flash drive, we recommend you copy and paste it directly to the computer to carry out the process from there.

The permits

Permissions represent another fundamental factor to install or run any program on an operating system. Many times, Windows requests administrator permissions for certain applications, since they seek to incorporate files into sensitive areas of the operating system. This is something that can only be allowed by an administrator, so otherwise you might get execution errors.

The solution for these cases is to run the program with Administrator permissions, in order to give the installer the access it requires to store its files in the folders it needs. To do this, all you have to do is right-click it and select the option «Run as administrator«. This will throw a message asking if you are sure, click on «Si» to confirm the action and your application will be launched or installed immediately.

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