Avoid changing the format when pasting text with this keyboard shortcut in any app

  • When you copy text from other documents, the original formatting may interfere with the style of the document you are working on.
  • The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + V allows you to paste unformatted text, adapting it to the current format of the document.
  • This shortcut is useful in multiple applications and does not require accessing additional menus.
  • Paste without formatting improves efficiency and professionalism in document editing.


On some occasion, it is possible that when you paste a text imported from the clipboard and copied from a different document, a website or similar, the new format of the same is also copied. In this way, instead of maintaining aspects such as color, font or font size, among others, those of the document you were copying from are embedded.

This is done to make things easier in some cases, but if for example you are making a document, it is something that can annoy you a lot. Now, you shouldn't worry since there is a fairly simple keyboard shortcut with which you will be able to paste any type of text without any formatting, in such a way that it adapts to what you already have written.

Paste the texts with this keyboard shortcut if you prefer not to keep the format

In some cases such as browsers, You may have already seen that if you right click with the mouse, sometimes a new option appears to paste as plain text, which is exactly what we are looking for. However, what we are looking for is something that works for all applications of the operating system, in addition to being fast.

For this the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + V arrives, an extension of the typical shortcut to paste the contents of the clipboard (Ctrl + V), but adding the Shift key will cause at the time of pasting the text, only the content is kept as such, and the formatting is completely excluded thereof.

Related article:
Control + B: uses of this keyboard shortcut for Windows

As we mentioned, when doing this you will see how what you paste directly adapts to the format of the text you were writing, instead of keeping the original of the copied text. In this way, a much faster and more professional operation is obtained, in addition to you only have to remember the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + V, without the need to access any configuration or menu for it.

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