How to get free access to ChatGPT 4 if you ran out of credits

  • ChatGPT 4 is OpenAI's latest AI model, released in March 2023.
  • There are free alternatives to access ChatGPT 4, such as Hugging Face and Merlin.
  • Microsoft Copilot and Poe also offer free access to GPT-4 with some limitations.
  • ChatGPT 4 usage credits are quickly depleted, prompting the search for free options.


The latest generative AI model OpenAI has managed to amaze many users. When it was launched to the public, in March 2023, those who were willing to pay us the subscription of $20 per month had the possibility of using this tool for free (ChatGPT Plus) thanks to a credit system. But, How to get free access to ChatGPT 4 if you ran out of credits?

We are going to take care of that in this post, especially dedicated to those who already know Chat GPT4, have tried it and have been able to discover some of its incredible capabilities. If the credits have been exhausted, there is no reason to give up (yet) on this prodigious tool.

What is ChatGPT 4 and how to use it

Those who have already used ChatGPT4 You don't need to read this. But since there are still many people who have not immersed themselves in the world of generative Artificial Intelligence, it doesn't hurt to remember how to use this tool.


This is the latest version of the OpenAI artificial intelligence language model. A software with which we can communicate via text (chatbot) and that is capable of generating very reliable and precise responses.

How to use it? The first thing we have to do is access the official website. If it is the first time, we will have to register through the option "Sign Up". We can create an account through our email or by accessing directly with Google, Apple or with our Microsoft account. Once this is done, to interact with the chat the following times we will only have to log in.

Related article:
Differences between ChatGPT 3 and ChatGPT 4

Once we have logged in, the conversation chat begins. There we will be able ask any type of question to the AI. ChatGPT's design makes the "machine" ready to interact with anyone and discuss the most diverse topics, with different levels of complexity and language.

Free access to ChatGPT 4

The free version is very limited, so many users choose to subscribe to ChatGPT4. To encourage you to discover this tool, OpenAI offers a series of limited credits through which we can carry out all types of tests, some 80 messages every three hours. Unfortunately, Those credits run out quickly. What to do then?

Here are a series of alternatives to the paid version of ChatGPT to be able to use the most advanced version of the artificial intelligence engine at no cost:

hugging face

hugging face

It is one of the least known alternatives and, however, a really practical platform to access different Artificial Intelligence models. Among them, GPT-4 also appears.

All we have to do is access hugging face, specifically to the "Models" section (through the link we added below). There we find projects from independent developers based on AI. If we talk about free access to ChatGPT 4, this is really interesting, they are a “credit” of 4.096 tokens to consume in each request.

Link: hugging face



It is also possible to get free ChatGPT 4 access from Merlin. In this case it is not a web page, but rather a Chrome extension. More than for making general queries, this tool can be very useful for execute certain tasks on the pages we are visiting.

Any of the examples practical ones that we can mention is the following: when we work with our email, it is possible to ask Merlin to write simple response emails for us, with the consequent saving of time that this entails. In addition, we may ask you to give us a summary of the content of the website we are visiting, among other tasks.

Link: Merlin

Microsoft Copilot

Try the Copilot integration

Little to explain about Microsoft Copilot (formerly known by the name Bing Chat), an Artificial Intelligence model as powerful as it is popular that also incorporates an adapted GPT-4 version. Something that many of its regular users ignore.

One of the great attractions of Copilot is that it is an AI totally free which allows us to generate text and images. The only requirement is to have a Microsoft account, which is not a very annoying requirement.

Link: Copilot



We close our list of free ChatGPT 4 accesses with Poe, the artificial intelligence model created by Quora. One of its strong points is that it offers us access to numerous and diverse AI languages ​​from the same page, without having to move: from Claude or Dragonfly to NeevaAI or Sage.

And of course ChatGPT 4 too, free for anyone. The only condition required is to have registered as users on the website. Once this is done, all we have to do is go to the left column, select the GPT-4 option and start testing it. Another "downside" is that Its use is limited to a single question per day, so it is a practical alternative only for specific uses.

Link: Poe

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