As we are installing applications with the sole purpose of testing them or making use of them once, the space of our hard disk is filling up and the time comes when we have to consider the possibility of having to start eliminating applications to obtain more space, but not only applications, we can also resort to eliminating certain files that sometimes occupy a large part of our disk hard, such as temporary files, files that are generated when our PC goes into hibernation ...
Windows natively allows us to clean our hard drive but it is not usually that effective as if we take care of carrying out this process by part and manually. Both the files resulting from hibernation and the temporary files tend to occupy the largest size, so we are mainly going to focus on them.
FOR remove files from hibernation we must disable this process through the command Powercfg.exe / hibernate off, a command that we must write through the Windows command line, which we can access through the CMD command. Once this command is executed, hibernation and all the files related to them will be removed from our PC.
Temporary files with other files that, having no storage limit, they can offer us a large number of space on our disk hard that we can use for other purposes. These files are available within the Windows \ Temp folder. To select all the files we must access it and mark all the available files and folders using the Control + A command and send them to the recycle bin.
Now, we must empty it if we want the space to be completely eliminated from our hard drive, otherwise the only thing we will have done will have been to change their location.