Google Forms vs Microsoft Forms, which one to choose?

  • Google Forms stands out for its simplicity and ease of use, ideal for users with no prior experience.
  • Microsoft Forms offers advanced data analysis and visualization tools, making it more powerful and dynamic.
  • The choice between both tools depends on the specific needs and the user's work ecosystem.
  • Google Forms is recommended for real-time collaboration; Microsoft Forms is preferred for advanced features and customization.

google forms more forms

When create surveys and forms, it is essential to have the appropriate tool that allows us to collect all the data efficiently. Although there are many options available, there are two that stand out above the rest and, therefore, present us with a dilemma: Google Forms vs Microsoft Forms. Which to choose?

In this post we are going to try to know in detail what these two applications offer, their main features, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. Our goal is to offer you the necessary information so that you can decide which one best suits what you really need.

What tools exist to create surveys and forms?

If we do a quick search on the internet for the best tools there are to carry out surveys and forms, we will find many results. Among the most recommended options are, for example sendiblue, simple but effective, Typeform, very popular for the care of its designs, or formsite, one of the most popular platforms in the business world.

In general, the operation of these tools is quite similar. They all offer pre-designed templates as well as free features and others that are only accessible through a paid subscription.

But above all these options, all of them very respectable, two names must be highlighted: Google Forms and Microsoft Forms. Both are leading and totally reliable solutions. The first is distinguished by its simplicity and ease of use, while the second boasts its flexibility and its ability to integrate as great virtues.

Google Forms

google forms

First released in 2018 as a response to Microsoft's forms tool, Google Forms is a tool designed to help us create and analyze surveys that is part of Google Workspace. It has a very intuitive design and is very easy to use. So much so that, without having ever tried it before, with it we will be able to create any type of form or survey in a matter of minutes.

The word that best defines Google Forms is simplicity, understood as a virtue. The forms made with Google Forms They offer a huge variety of question types, which can include short answer, multiple choice, checkbox, drop-down menu, etc. It is only available as a web application.

Especially interesting is the integration section. For example, you can import form responses into a Google Spreadsheet and perform a more detailed analysis of the results from there. Furthermore, it is an excellent collaborative tool.

  • Anyone with a Google account can access the Forms app for free.
  • It is very easy to use, it is available to any type of user.
  • It comes with a number of really handy pre-configured templates.
  • Allows you to add images and videos.
  • All surveys and forms are automatically saved to Google Drive.
  • It offers strong integration with other Google apps like Gmail, etc.

Cons of Google Forms

  • For certain tasks and objectives, Google Forms options may fall a little short. In these specific cases is when simplicity stops being an advantage.

Microsoft Forms

more forms

Microsoft Forms It has been part of the Microsoft Office 365 suite since its appearance in 2017. It is a great tool designed to help us create surveys, questionnaires, polls, etc. Among its most notable features, it should be noted that it offers real-time results and automatic graphs to be able to view the data.

It is distinguished from Google Forms by offering the user a more dynamic and integrated experience. In addition to being able to implement various types of questions, it also gives us the possibility of including branching logic options, to provide our surveys with a greater degree of interaction.

It is, in short, a somewhat more complex tool, but more powerful and analytical.

Pros of Microsoft Forms

  • It can be accessed from any Microsoft account such as MSN, Hotmail, Outlook, etc.
  • It offers seamless integration with other Microsoft products and programs (PowerPoint, Excel, etc.). 
  • It has numerous design options and form customization possibilities, although not as many as Google Forms.
  • It offers numerous pre-designed templates.
  • It has interesting advanced visualization tools, such as graphs and tables.

Cons of Microsoft Forms

  • The main disadvantage is that it is not a tool as easy to use as Google's. To learn how to use it and benefit from all its advantages, you have to invest a little more time in studying its options well and becoming familiar with them.

 Final verdict


Google Forms vs Microsoft Forms, which is the best option? Although in general everything is usually reduced to a dichotomy between the simple (Google) and the complex (Microsoft), after analyzing all the points for and against each of the two tools, we see that there are a series of aspects in which both are quite equal, such as the possibilities of integration with their respective ecosystems.

As for the design and customization features, Google offers more options in terms of questions, although Microsoft surpasses it in the number and variety of templates designed. On the other hand, there are certain points in which Google Forms clearly stands out, such as the collaborative features. On the other hand, Microsoft Forms is better in the field of data analysis and visualization.

Considering all this information, the decision to opt for one or the other option will largely depend on what our needs and objectives are:

  • Google Forms is recommended to users who already have Google Workspace, also to those who consider it important to be able to collaborate with other users in real time and share information.
  • Moreover, Microsoft Forms is more advisable for those who already have an Office 365 subscription. Likewise, for those users looking for advanced design and customization functions, as well as for those who need advanced analysis tools.

Ultimately, when in doubt, it is best to focus on what our specific needs and those of our operating environment to make the right decision.

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