How to hide folders or files in Windows 10 and any other version

  • Computer sharing can compromise file privacy.
  • Hiding files and folders is a useful measure, although not completely safe.
  • The method to hide files is consistent across different versions of Windows.
  • The 'Hidden items' option can reveal hidden files to other users.

If the use we make of our computer is jointly with the rest of our family members, it is likely that if we have not chosen to implement a user system, Any member of our family who accesses it has access to all the information stored in it.

One way to avoid this privacy problem is found in user accounts, a method that may not be valid in all cases. A less effective solution is to hide both files and folders, so that anyone who uses the computer does not have access to what they should not have.

From MS-DOS, Microsoft allows us hide both files and folders in a simple way. But just as the method to hide is a simple way, there are several methods to enable the display of this type of content. Next I am going to show you how we can hide files or folders on our hard drive, natively and without having to use third-party applications.

Hide a file or folder in Windows

The method that I am going to show you below to hide files or folders in Windows is practically valid for all versions of Windows, since the method to do it has been the same for a few years.

  • First of all, we must go to the folder or file that we want to hide and click on it with the the right button of the mouse.
  • In the drop-down menu that appears, we go to Properties.
  • Within the properties, we go to the Attributes section and select the box Hidden.

From that moment on, the folder will have been hidden from view of all users, as long as they do not have the option activated Hidden items, which is found in the explorer, within the View tab, hence it is a method that can come in handy on certain occasions, but not as a security measure to protect access to a folder or files that we do not want to share with more users.

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