The RAM memory in a computer, whether laptop or desktop, is equal to or more important than the storage capacity. Depending on the amount of memory that our equipment has, applications and games will work in one way or another. Obviously, the more the merrier.
When we buy a laptop or computer, we pay attention to the different features that it offers us, in addition to the RAM, the processor, the hard disk, the screen size, the resolution ... However, when time passes it is likely that Let's not remember the processor or the amount of RAM.
Knowing the amount of RAM that our equipment manages is information that we must know, not only to satisfy our curiosity, but also if we plan expand the amount available in our team.
We have two methods to know what is the amount of RAM that we have in our equipment. The first of them is via BIOS of our team, where we can also find all the technical information of our team such as the processor, hard disk space ...
The other way, perhaps simpler and more comfortable, is found within the Windows configuration options. To access this information, we must access the configuration options through the start menu or by pressing the key combination Windows key + i.
Next, click on System. Within the system, in the left column, we must select About. In the right column, within the Device Specifications section, both the name of the computer in our network, as well as the processor that our equipment incorporates and the RAM memory that we have installed are displayed.
If in this section, we can read that usable memory, it means that the computer is only using 4 GB of RAM even though it has more. This is because you have the 32-bit version of Windows 10 installed, a version that is only capable of taking advantage of 4 GB. If you want to get the most out of your computer's memory, you must install the 64-bit version.