How to activate automatic updates in the Microsoft Store

  • Disabling automatic updates may be tempting, but it is not recommended for security reasons.
  • Microsoft Store has automatic updates enabled by default, ensuring app stability and security.
  • Re-enabling automatic updates is a simple process and does not require restarting Windows.
  • Better visual communication about pending updates could improve the user experience.

Microsoft Store

Many are the users who do not like that the applications they have installed update automatically, in order to personally check what are the new changes introduced in the last update, something that from Windows News we do not recommend.

We do not recommend because it is always advisable to install the latest updates in order to avoid security problems or application instability. In addition, if the applications come from the Microsoft Store, all the better, because it has been Microsoft who has given the go-ahead to their distribution.

Natively, the Microsoft Store you have automatic updates turned on of applications as they arrive in the store. However, it is possible to disable them. If at any time you thought it was a good idea disable automatic updates from the Microsoft Store and now you want to activate them again, below I show you the steps to follow.

  • Once we have opened the Windows 10 application store, Microsoft Store, we have to click on the three points horizontal found in the upper right corner of the application.
  • Next, click on Configuration.
  • Within the Configuration options, the first option shown is Automatic Updates. We must activate that switch if we want automatic updates to be available again in the Microsoft Store.

We do not have to restart Windows for the changes to take effect, since it is an application that does not affect the operation of the system, only affects the operation of the application.

The Microsoft Store app automatically checks for any new updates pending download throughout the day. If so, and we have the updates activated, these will only be updated if we open the application, an operation that should change to be more intuitive.

In addition, they could also add a globe to app icon to inform the user that we have an update pending to install on our computer.

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