How to activate and use Gemini extensions

  • Gemini allows connection to multiple Google services, such as Gmail and Maps.
  • Gemini extensions are available in several languages, including Spanish.
  • Enabling extensions requires access to Activity in Gemini apps.
  • Gemini Advanced offers additional functionality via a monthly subscription.

gemini chat

Google recently announced that, finally, extensions Gemini They would be available in numerous countries, in addition to the United States. One of them, Spain. This opens the door to the possibility of connecting Artificial Intelligence with other of its applications and services. In this post we are going to explain how to activate and use Gemini extensions.

Among other things, Gemini applications go from being available only in English to being available as well in other languages, one of them, Spanish. This represents an obvious improvement. Not only to have a greater reach, but also to offer more accurate and more useful results.

Thus, Gemini will be able to connect with Gmail, Maps, Drive, YouTube, Maps and other Google services. With this prodigious tool, there are a lot of possibilities at our fingertips, automating a series of tasks without having to use two or three applications. These are some examples:

  • Plan trips in a personalized way thanks to real-time information on flight and hotel reservations.
  • Request a summary of the content of the latest emails received in our inbox.
  • Connect YouTube Music to access our playlists.
  • Receive information of any kind based on a Google Maps location.
  • Connect Google Workspace to find information about content in apps and services like Gmail, Google Docs, Drive, etc.

To be able to use extensions in Gemini applications, it is necessary to activate the page Activity in Gemini apps. Only then will they be available for use.

How to use Gemini extensions

gemini extensions

As explained on the Google support page, most extensions are already activated by default. They can be deactivated whenever we need it from the "Extensions Settings" tab. The procedure is very simple:

  1. On the PC, we open the browser and go to the page
  2. We introduce the question or request in text box, which is located at the bottom of the screen. To specify the use of a specific extension, we must write "@ + the name of the extension." *
  3. Finally, we click on "Send".

(*) If the required extension is disabled, it will be enabled automatically after we grant permission to do so to the Gemini web application.

Turn Gemini extensions on and off

gemini extensions

How many Gemini extensions can I access from my PC? The answer to this question depends, above all, on the geographical area in which we are located. In any case, to know this exactly, you have to go to the website again. and there, at the bottom of the screen, click on Settings (Settings) and then "Extensions".

To activate or deactivate any of these extensions, all you have to do is follow these steps:

  1. On the PC, we go to the browser and We open the Gemini website (as we have already seen in the previous section).
  2. Then we click on "Settings".
  3. From there we access "Extensions".
  4. In the list that is displayed, we look for the extension. We can activate or deactivate it by changing the position of the slider button.

It's important to know that disabling an extension will not remove our activity related to it from our activity in Gemini apps. Data that has been shared and stored with other services will also not be deleted. It should also be noted that Gemini apps will never access our personal content on other services without our permission.

Use Gemini extensions from Android

gemini android

We can also enjoy the advantages of Gemini extensions through our tablet or mobile phone with Android. The steps to follow are very similar to those we use in the case of a PC:

  1. On the mobile device, we open the browser and go to the page (or directly open the Gemini app).
  2. Now, we introduce the question or request in the text box. To specify the use of a specific extension, we must write "@ + the name of the extension." *
  3. Finally, we click on the icon "Send".

FOR activate or desactivate certain extensions, the process is also practically the same as on a PC:

  1. We open the browser of the mobile device and we are going to Gemini website.
  2. Then we click on the three stripes icon, which opens the menu "Settings".
  3. From there we access "Extensions".
  4. In the list that appears below, we look for the extension that interests us and use the slider button to activate or deactivate it.

Everything explained in this section, except for very small details, is equally valid for iPhone and iPad.

Finally, we must not forget that all these incredible possibilities that this AI offers us are multiplied if we use Gemini Advanced, the premium (paid) version of Gemini. The subscription price at this time is 21 euros per month.

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