How to enable high contrast in Windows 10

  • Windows 10 offers the High Contrast option to improve interface visibility.
  • This feature allows you to customize colors, texts and backgrounds according to the user's needs.
  • There are four high contrast themes available to choose from.
  • It is a key tool for people with visual impairments.

Most operating systems offer us different methods to customize the user interface to suit our own. But in addition, we can also adapt it to our needs. Visually impaired people have an option within Windows 10 called High Contrast, an option that replace traditional colors to make them easier to see.

Windows 10 makes this option available to us, an option that also allows us to configure practically not only the visual environment, but also the texts, the links, the text that we select, the color of the buttons as well as the wallpaper and the the applications. If you want to activate this fund to be able improve interaction with your teamHere we explain how to do it.

Windows 10 offers us within the accessibility options a large number of options that allow us not only to modify the colors of the screen, but also to configure how we want the Magnifying Glass to work, Narrator mode, modify the size of the cursor and pointer ... But in this article we are going to focus on activate the High Contrast function.

  • First of all, we must go to the Windows 10 configuration options through the Win + i keyboard shortcut, or by clicking on the start button and clicking on the gear wheel located on the left side.
  • Next, click on Accessibility.
  • The different options that Windows 10 offers us in this regard will appear in the left column. We must click on Hire high.
  • Once we click on High Contrast, we go to the right column to see the configuration options that this function offers us and activate the tab under the name Activate high contrast.
  • Windows 10 offers us 4 different themes for this mode: High contrast # 1, High contrast # 2, Black with high contrast (it is activated by default) and White with high contrast.

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