A few days ago we told you how to activate Ubuntu in Windows 10, step by step and in a simple way, after the agreement reached between Microsoft and Canonical, which was not only left with the possibility of being able to use, in the new version of the Redmond operating system, one of the most popular distributions of Linux. And it is that they have gone one step further and OpenSUSE, another of the most valued distributions can already be used in Windows 10.
Of course, in this case Microsoft is not fully involved, although that matters little to us. If you want to try a new Linux distribution on the new Windows, get ready because here we go and in this article we will explain how to activate OpenSUSE in Windows 10.
OpenSUSE, perhaps the best distribution in the Linux universe
Today OpenSUSE is one of the best and most appreciated distributions in the Linux universe, due to the stable experience it offers us, and also the good amount of self-developed programs offered by a large number of users. To this day it does not have the popularity of Ubuntu, but with the passage of time it has gained followers and popularity.
The popularity of OpenSUSE is growing at a dizzying rate and many dared and dare to say that Microsoft was wrong when choosing the distribution to implement bash for Windows 10.
How to activate openSUSE for Windows 10
To get and activate openSUSE in Windows 10 we will have to follow some fairly simple steps, although for this we will have to activate Ubuntu first. From that moment you must follow the following steps;
- Download the openSUSE user space. You can do it from the following link. In this case we will be downloading version 42.2 of openSUSE Leap which is known as the desktop version, although you can also install the version for servers without any problem.
- Open bash, which we remember once again you should already have it installed to start this process, by typing "bash" in the Start menu
- Unzip the downloaded openSUSE file with the following commands, ignoring any error messages that may appear. Now close bash when the process is done.
$ sudo mkdir rootfs
$ sudo tar -C rootfs -Jxf openSUSE-42.2.tar.xz
$ exit
- Now comes the somewhat complicated part of the process and that is let's make a backup copy of Ubuntu's rootfs directory, to copy the OpenSUSE rootfs instead. You can call this backup by whatever name you want, as long as you don't forget it or write it down somewhere where you can get hold of it. To carry out this backup, open the Command Prompt in the Start menu and execute the commands that we show you below;
cd% localappdata% \ lxss \
rename rootfs rootfs.ubuntu
move. \ home \ \ rootfs. \
- When removing the Ubuntu file we will have lost the "root" user so we must establish a new one to be able to use OpenSUSE without any problem. To do this in the same symbol terminal, run the following command;
lxrun / setdefaultuser root
- Now close the command prompt and open bash again from the start menu. As soon as you look you will be able to realize that you already have OpenSuse active to be able to start using it in Windows 10.
The process would already be finished and we could now use OpenSUSE in Windows 10, although for everything to be perfect we should do one more thing. And is that the Ubuntu icon will continue to appear, instead of OpenSUSE so if you want to change it you can download the icon, for example through Google, and change it by executing the following commands from the system symbol;
cd% localappdata% \ lxss \
rename bash.ico Ubuntu.ico
rename Saki-NuoveXT-Apps-suse.ico bash.ico
With this we could say that the process of activating OpenSUSE in Windows 10 would have been completely finished. Now you only have the difficult choice of choosing between this distribution or Ubuntu, although this choice will surely depend largely on what you want to do since each of the two distributions have their strengths and allow you thanks to their One's own programs and other things of the most varied and the most different.
Linux has come to Windows 10, hopefully to stay, and hopefully to allow us to continue seeing news in the coming months, whether in the form of new distributions that make their debut in Microsoft software or in other ways.
Have you managed to activate OpenSUSE in Windows 10?. Tell us about your experience with this Linux distribution in the space reserved for the comments of this post or through the social networks in which we are present, and also tell us if you have had any problems with the entire process. As far as possible we will try to give you a hand to make OpenSUSE work without any problem on your computer with the new Windows 10.
at this point (changing to my username)
move. \ home \ \ rootfs. \
it tells me that the system cannot find the specified file. And I can't use the lxrun / setdefaultuser root command anymore
because it gives me the error 0x80070002, I have reinstalled ubuntu and it still does not work at that point.
Can you tell me if I have to do something that I missed doing or check to see if the steps are in order?
Thank you very much.