How to activate the programmer mode in Windows 10 and what are its utilities

  • Windows 10 continues to grow thanks to Microsoft's active communication with users and developers.
  • Developer mode allows you to install universal apps outside of the Windows Store.
  • This mode provides access to advanced operating system features for developers and users.
  • It is important to exercise caution when using developer mode due to security risks.

Windows 10

Windows 10 it continues to grow and gain users over time, and one of the many reasons that this happens is the special interest that Microsoft has placed in opening a large number of lines of communication with users and with developers. An example of them is the well-known Windows Insider program from which we can test the different test versions of the new Redmond operating system.

In addition, in Windows 10 we also find a section for all programmers, which can be activated through the programmer mode and which is included in any of the different versions of Windows 10. If you do not know what this mode consists of or how it is activated , do not worry, and today we are going to tell you in a simple way how to activate the programmer mode in Windows 10 and what are its utilities.

Before starting, do not forget that this programmer mode is mainly intended for programmers, although any user can activate and access it, but always be very careful before touching anything.

How to activate programmer mode in Windows 10

Whether you have the version Windows 10 Home, Pro, Enterprise or any other you can activate the programmer mode in a more or less simple way. To do this, you must press the Windows key + I to open the Settings menu, or do it through the Start menu. Then you must select the option Update and security and later the option For programmers.

Windows 10

Now you must select the programmer mode, checking the corresponding box as you can see in the image that we show you below. By checking this box you will be able to read the following message; "Install any signed application and use advanced development features".

Keep in mind that for this mode to start working you must restart your computer in any case, otherwise some of the options may not work or do not work properly.

Windows 10

What can we do with the active scheduler mode?

Once we have restarted our computer we will have the programmer mode fully active, and we can start using it. Next we are going to explain to you what options and functionalities this method offers us available to any user, whether or not a programmer, in Windows 10.

This mode is used, for example, so that the developers who work with universal applications in Visual Studio, can do it in a normal way And it is that not having the option to activate it and use it could not even start a new project. The essential of the programmer mode is that it allows you to install universal applications that are not in the Windows Store or what is the same, the official Microsoft application store for Windows 10 and other versions of the popular operating system.

For a developer and programmer it is essential to be able to install apps from outside the Windows Store, but it can also be interesting for any user, although it can also be something really dangerous, especially if we install certain applications from which we do not know exactly where they come from.

Another option that the programmer mode gives us is to access certain file explorer options that by default are more hidden. In addition, thanks to this mode it is also possible to use the Ubuntu Bash console in Windows 10, something that we already told you in this interesting article.

Programmer mode is very useful and almost as dangerous

There is no doubt that the programmer mode is really useful, for any programmer or developer, but also for any user since it gives you access to certain features and functions that can be of great use. Of course, when you activate it you must be very careful since it can be really dangerous since it gives you access to Windows 10 as if you were a developer with the dangers that that entails.

Have you managed to activate the programmer mode and use it without any problem?. Tell us in the space reserved for comments on this post or through any of the social networks in which we are present. You can also ask us any questions that you have had or may have arisen and within our possibilities we will try to solve it and give you a hand.

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      Alfonso said

    It didn't work for me. I am trying to back up my system using Nero. I cannot do it because it tells me that the Windows Task Scheduler cannot be started.

      Luis Alberto said

    I am not a developer I am just a simple user for everyday tasks, but I have activated the mode for programmers, is that good?