How to activate Remote Assistance in Windows 10

  • Windows 10 offers native tools for remote assistance.
  • The Remote Assistance feature is available only in Pro versions of Windows 10.
  • Allows other users to access and manage your computer remotely.
  • There is no need to install any third-party apps for this feature.

Windows 10

Microsoft puts at our disposal a series of tools that allow us to do practically anything that comes to mind without having to depend on third-party applications, saving the distance since we will not find a Photoshop or an Adobe Premiere on Windows 10 natively.

However, for other types of uses, such as remote assistance, Windows 10 does allow us the option of accessing other computers remotely, without having to install any other application at any time, such as Team Viewer, one of the most popular applications for these purposes.

I'm talking about Remote Assistance, a feature that It is only available to be able to use it from a Pro version of Windows 10, so if we have the Home version installed, the only thing we can do is activate this function so that remotely, they can connect to our equipment and solve the problems that the equipment is showing, install an application, help us with any task , change the settings of an application or game ...

If we need to activate this function so that a third party can access our equipment, we must carry out the following steps:

How to activate Remote Assistance in Windows 10

  • First, we must access the command prompt through the command Windows key + r, or by typing CMD in Cortana's search box.
  • Then we write SystemPropertiesAdvanced
  • In the dialog box that appears, we must click on the tab Remote access.
  • At the top, within the title Remote Assistance, we must activate the box that is named Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer.
  • Next, in the lower box, we must also check the box Allow remote connections to this computer.

Once we have made these changes, click on Apply so that the changes are executed in the system and that a third party can access our computer remotely and manage it as if it were physically in front of it.

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