How to add a payment option in the Microsoft Store

  • The Microsoft Store lets you purchase and download apps and games on Windows 10.
  • A payment method is required to make purchases in the store.
  • A new payment method can be added by accessing the option in the menu.
  • Once the data has been entered, the new method can be used for future purchases.

Windows 10

Microsoft Store is the application store for Windows 10 computers. In it we can download and buy games or applications for the computer. If we intend to pay for these applications, we have to make use of a payment method in the store. There are several possible options for this, such as PayPal or our bank account.

Therefore, if we want to add a new method, we have to follow a series of steps in the Microsoft Store. In this way we will be able to enjoy a method that makes shopping easier for us in the store. Here are the steps to follow to add an additional payment method.

First of all we are going to have to open the Microsoft Store. We can do it through the start menu in Windows 10, where there is always a direct access to the store. Other users usually have access to it on the taskbar. In any case, the first thing we have to do is enter the store.

Windows Store

Once inside it, click on the menu button at the top right of the screen. It is a three dot icon. When doing this, a contextual menu appears on the screen where we have several options. One of these options is the payment options, in which we have to enter.

Then Microsoft Store will ask us to sign in to our Microsoft account. Once this is done, we are at the screen where we can add a new payment method to the account. As you can see, we have several options available in this regard. So you must choose the one you want.

When you have added this method, you have entered the necessary data, you just have to hit the accept button. In this way, you have already entered an additional payment method in your account in the Microsoft Store. Thus, when you go to buy applications or games, you can pay using this method.

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