How to add clocks for other time zones in Windows 10

  • Windows 10 allows you to add additional clocks to the taskbar to facilitate communication across different time zones.
  • This feature does not require external installations as it is available in the system control panel.
  • Multiple clocks can be added, allowing multiple time zones to be displayed simultaneously.
  • Modifying or removing additional clocks is a simple process, following the same initial steps.

Windows 10

It is possible that due to labor issues, you have to be in contact with people who live in another time zone. On many occasions it is difficult to remember the difference or you do not know exactly what time it is in that country. Therefore, we can use additional help on our Windows 10 computer. This help can be to use an additional clock in the task bar, which shows the time in that country.

In this way, we can know at all times what time it is in that country. In addition to being able to see it in a simple way, as it integrates into the taskbar in Windows 10. In order to do this, we do not have to install anything, it is an option that we find on the computer itself.

The most interesting thing about this function is that we can add several additional clocks. So if you are in contact with people in various areas, it will be easy for you to see what time it is in each place, simply by consulting the task bar of your computer. In the case of wanting to add several clocks, follow the same steps. So you will not have problems in this regard.

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Add new clock in Windows 10

Set additional clock

In this case, we will go to the Windows 10 control panel to add said clock. Therefore, we enter the term control panel in the search engine and click on that option. After a few seconds the control panel will open on the computer screen. From the options that we find on the screen, click on the Clock and region section.

In the next window we find several options, one of which is Add clocks for different time zones, on which we must click. Then you will be able to see the section that interests us, which is the one for additional watches. Here we can configure the clock we want to use, showing a specific region or time zone. Once configured, you just have to click on the option to show clock.

Thus, this clock is going to be displayed on the Windows 10 taskbar. We can add several clocks, as you can see in that window. So if you were planning to add a couple of them, it will not be complex. If at any time you want to remove or modify any of them, you have to follow the same steps that we have completed now.

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