How to add fonts in Windows

  • Windows 10 offers around 90 native fonts for various applications.
  • New fonts can be downloaded from various websites, most of which are free.
  • Installed fonts are available to all applications on the system.
  • The installation process is similar for previous versions of Windows.

Fonts in Windows 10

Windows 10 natively offers us around 90 fonts, fonts that we can use to create any type of document, since they are available for each and every one of the applications that we install on our computer. What's more, are also used to display web pages They use a font that is out of the ordinary.

When it comes to creating posters, adding text to images, editing photos ... it is likely that none of the fonts meet our needs and we will be forced to install new fonts in Windows, fonts that we can download from many of the web pages that offer us fonts.

Depending on the typeface, this can be paid, although in most cases, they are completely free. Once we have downloaded the font that we want to install on our computer, we must perform the following steps to add them to Windows 10.

  • First, we open the file manager and click on This computer.
  • Next, we must click on the name of the drive where we have Windows 10 installed, which in 99% of the cases, will be drive C, unless you have another operating system installed.
  • Next, we access the Windows folder and inside the Windows folder, we open the Fonts folder.

Finally, we just have to drag the font that we have downloaded to our computer to the Windows folder. At that time, Windows will show us a message that informs us if we want to install the font in question. We just have to confirm that if we want to do it. The font would already be installed.

Once we have installed the font, it is available for all the applications that we have installed or we intend to install on our computer, since the fonts are not installed with the applications, but rather are available natively from Windows. This process is the same for both Windows 10 and Windows 7, Windows 8.X and Windows XP

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