Windows puts at our disposal more than 200 different fonts with which we can customize our documents to the maximum, since they are not only letter fonts, but also some of these they offer us symbols, which avoids us having to resort to images to complement our documents.
All major companies use a different font, be it Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Apple ... The font they use is exclusive and we will never find it in Windows. However, thanks to the community that is responsible for creating them, we can download them and use them in Word or any other application.
The first thing to keep in mind when installing fonts to use in Word is that we will not be able to install them directly in Word, but we are going to have to install them in Windows, so that in this way, all the applications available on our computer, can have access to them.
When installed in Windows, in addition to Word, Excel and PowerPoint, other applications such as Photoshop, will also have access to them. How do I install fonts in Windows? If you want to know the process, I invite you to continue reading.
- If we have already downloaded the font we are looking for (DaFont is an interesting website where we can download a large number of sources), we must unzip it and locate the .odt file, file that includes the font we want to install.
- Next, we must access the Fonts directory located inside the Windows folder. To access it, we just have to open Windows Explorer, click on drive C and access the Windows> Fonts directory.
- Finally, we just have to drag the font that we have downloaded to the Fonts directory of Windows.
From this moment on, we can use the new font in Word and any other installed application in our team. This trick is valid for any version of Windows from Windows XP, as long as the letter we have downloaded is accepted by the computer.