How to add or delete a payment method in the Windows 10 Store

  • The Windows Store allows free downloads of apps and video games on Windows 10.
  • To purchase content, a payment method must be added to your Microsoft account.
  • Payment methods can be credit cards, debit cards or PayPal.
  • It is possible to delete a payment method at any time from the store.

Payment method

As we already have the Windows Store or Store in Windows 10, from it we can access the free download of apps and video games to enjoy on our computer. Apart from this series of free options we can also access the purchase of online content through it, so the options are multiplied.

It may happen that at some point we decide to buy an app, game, movie or TV show through this store, for what we will need a payment method in the Microsoft account in Windows 10. We show you the steps to add a payment method or delete it if we do not want to use it anymore.

How to add or delete a payment method in Windows 10

  • The first is launch the Windows Store o Store in Windows 10. For this we write in the Windows search the word "Store"
  • The store will appear immediately, we select the shortcut and the main window will appear
  • Here we must look for the user icon to click on it and a series of options appear
  • Among them we must select "Payment options"

First step

  • The web browser that we have by default will open directly to go directly to the payment methods of your account
  • We do click on «Add payment option»

Second step

  • Once this is done, we will go to the main screen where we will have the option to add the credit or debit card or what would be PayPal
  • We enter all the necessary data and go to next to finish adding one of the payment options.

FOR delete a payment method, from the main screen in the web browser, we select «Delete» and we will remove it from the list of options that we will have every time we want to opt for the acquisition of all kinds of multimedia content through the Windows 10 Store.

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