As many of you probably already know, in Windows 10 we have a dark theme and a light theme. Thanks to them we can change the intensity of the illumination of the screen depending on the moment. Although this is something that we have to do manually on the computer. But, if you want it to switch from one topic to another automatically, there is a way. Although it is not a function that is present in a normal way.
It's about something we have to activate making use of administrator permissions in Windows 10. In this way, depending on what time it is, the computer will automatically switch from the light theme to the dark theme, and vice versa.
We have to log in to Windows 10 with administrator permissions. Once this is done, inside the computer, we have to find and go to the task scheduler. You can write the name in the search engine and it will come out directly. In this programmer, we look at the panel on the right and we give you to create basic task. We have to give it a name and a description.
It is important that it is something that will help us to identify it at all times. After moving to the next window, we give this option to be activated on a daily basis. Then, we are allowed to configure the time we want it to be activated this dark mode. You can configure this to your liking, since it depends on each user.
In the next window we are asked to enter a field called program or script. We must write reg in that box. While in the option called add arguments, which comes out just below, we have to enter the following: “add HKCU \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Themes \ Personalize / v AppsUseLightTheme / t REG_DWORD / d 0 / f
With these steps, we have already achieved that dark theme to activate automatically on Windows 10 computer At the indicated time. It will be something you do on a daily basis. We can do the same with the luminous theme. Only in this case, in the section of adding arguments, we have to enter: add HKCU \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Themes \ Personalize / v AppsUseLightTheme / t REG_DWORD / d 1 / f