How to automatically update apps in Windows 10

  • Automatic updates make it easier to maintain apps in Windows 10.
  • The option is only available for apps installed from the Microsoft Store.
  • Enabling automatic updates saves the user time and effort.
  • This feature encourages more apps to be downloaded from the store.

Windows 10

It is usual that we have enough applications installed on our computer with Windows 10. In this case, it is important that we always keep them updated. Something essential for the proper functioning of the computer. But, if we have to do it manually, the process becomes very heavy. Luckily, we have the ability to do it automatically.

Thus, the process of updating applications becomes much easier and it takes less time to get it ready. Although it is an option that we can only use with the applications that we have installed from the Microsoft Store.

But without a doubt it can be of enormous use. The first that we have to do is to go to the Windows 10 Store. In it, we must click on the button with the three points that appear in the upper right part of the screen. We will get several options and the one that we must select is the configuration one.

Update Windows applications

Within this configuration option we will find several options, one of which is to update applications automatically. Under it we find a switch, which is disabled by default. Therefore, what we have to do is activate it. And so we have changed this option.

In this way, the applications that we have on our Windows 10 computer and have installed from the store, they will be updated automatically at all times. So the process is much more comfortable for us as users. Since we don't have to do anything.

Although it is a somewhat limited option, also prompts you to download more apps using the Windows 10 store. Because that way we can forget about the update process. It will be our own computer that will take care of it, while we do not have to do anything.

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