How to change the date and time in Windows 10

  • Most Internet-connected devices automatically set the date and time.
  • Automatic time change failures may occur in Windows 10.
  • It is important that the device's watch battery is charged to function properly.
  • Changing the time manually is possible through the date and time settings in Windows 10.

Windows 10

In recent years, most devices that connect to the Internet automatically take care of change device time, when required, so that we do not have to worry at any time about modifying it before or after that event, which is undoubtedly appreciated.

However, in some moments, the equipment may not have followed the instructions for which it is programmed and the time has not been changed according to the programmed change of our time zone. And it is not at all strange, because in my particular case it just happened to me in Windows 10, hence I was forced to write an article where I show you how to change the time and date in Windows 10.

As I have mentioned above, practically most devices with an Internet connection have an option through which we can change the date and time automatically when necessary. But in addition, this function also allows our team always be on time, as long as the clock battery that all computers include, has a charge, since otherwise, we will be forced to always keep our equipment with a charge or connection to electricity.

To change the date and time of our Windows 10 computer, you must perform the following steps:

  • First we will go to the options of Configuration of Windows 10.
  • Next, click on Time and language.
  • Then we click on Date and Time.
  • If our team has not adapted to the new time change, we just have to deactivate and activate the option Set time automatically.
  • If, even so, it still does not work, we deactivate the tab and click on Change date and time, located a little further down.
  • At that moment, a window will be displayed where we must set the new date and time.

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