How to change the language in Microsoft Word

  • Microsoft Word allows you to change the interface language at any time.
  • A language pack may need to be downloaded for certain changes.
  • The language change process is simple and straightforward.
  • After selecting a language, you are required to restart Word to apply the changes.

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a program that is available in many different languages. The normal thing is that when we download it, it is already in the language we want to use, Spanish in this type. Although it may be the case that we have downloaded the program in another language, or that we just want to use it in a language other than ours. All of this is possible.

Here are the steps we have to follow to change language in Microsoft Word. It is something that we can do at any time in the well-known document editor, since the steps are not complicated, as you can see below.

First of all we have to open a Microsoft Word document in the computer. When we have this document open, we have to click on the file option, located in the upper left part of the screen. If you are using any of the latest versions of the editor, then a new window will open on the screen.

Word Mobile

In this new window, click on the section called options and a new window will open in the document. We will see that in the left part of this window there are several sections, one of which is Language. We click on this section and then we look at your options.

One of them is the possibility of changing the interface language. This is the language we use in Microsoft Word in general. There is a list with languages, so we have to select the one we want in this case from said list. It is likely that a language pack will have to be downloaded in this case to use the new one.

When we have chosen said language in Microsoft Word, we click the accept button. Most likely we are asked to restart the document editor, so that the language we just selected can be loaded. So when we use it again it is already in that language.

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