How to change screen orientation in Windows 10

  • Changing the screen orientation in Windows 10 is possible without the need for a new monitor.
  • Vertical monitors are useful for displaying larger content in stores and for developers.
  • Windows 10 allows you to use keyboard shortcuts to adjust the screen orientation.
  • Changing orientation can improve productivity, especially for tasks with large tables or code.

Change screen orientation in Windows 10

If you are thinking of buying a new monitor, because the one you have seems to be cut short, in terms of height, you should know that this not exactly the best solution. Windows 10, allows us to change the orientation of the image, to be able to use a panoramic monitor vertically.

Using a monitor vertically, It is usually a fairly common resource in fashion stores, in order to display the clothing sets in a larger size and without distractions on the sides. But it is also widely used by application developers, as it allows them to have more of the code on the screen.

If you are a developer you know this trick and obviously you are using it, but if it is not the case, and you were looking for a larger monitor to be able to visualize your work in a larger screen area thanks to the following key combinations, you can use any other monitor or the one you use regularly.

  • Flip the screen image: Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow
  • Return the screen image to the normal position: Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow
  • Rotate the screen image to position the monitor vertically: Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow
  • Rotate the screen image to position the monitor vertically: Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow

Windows 10 allows us change the orientation of the monitors independently, so we can have several monitors connected to the same computer and each one fulfills a different function.

If you usually work with large Excel tables or want to always have the last thing you have written on the screen, use this little trick it is much cheaper than having to buy a monitor larger.

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