Most personal assistants offer us a female voice by default. Depending on the use of the person who uses them, you may want to replace the female voice with a male or change the female or male voice used by the assistant, in our case Cortana.
Within the options that Cortana offers us when changing the voice, we find a single option if we want a man's voice and two options if we want a woman's voice to be used by Cortana. To modify the voice used by Cortana, we just have to follow the steps detailed below.
Modify Cortana's voice in Windows 10
- We access the Windows 10 configuration through the keyboard shortcut Windows key + i, a process that we can also do through the start menu and by clicking on the gear wheel that is shown at the bottom left of this menu.
- Next, we go to the section Time and language> Voice.
- Next, we go to the right column. In this section, we must search Text to speech. Within this section, we must click on the Voice drop-down, so that the different voices available in Windows 10 are displayed.
The only voices in Spanish are those of Pablo, Helena and Laura. The rest of the available voices will only speak in English, so if you select them, you should bear in mind that Cortana's language will change to English even though the voice language is in Spanish from Spain or Latin America.
When clicking on the Voice preview button, Windows will reproduce the voice that we have used with a short text informing us which voice we have selected for the Cortana virtual assistant on our Windows 10 managed computer.