How to change windows with the keyboard

  • Learning to switch windows using the keyboard improves speed and efficiency when working on the computer.
  • Reduces repetitive motion, promoting ergonomic health during long hours of use.
  • Shortcuts are accessible for different operating systems: Windows, macOS and Linux.
  • Knowing keyboard shortcuts helps in multitasking and keeping you focused on important tasks.

How to change windows with the keyboard

Working with the computer requires us to be as fast and efficient as possible and, often, the mouse becomes an obstacle. If we have to take our hands off the keyboard to grab this peripheral and click on another part of the screen, we end up losing precious seconds that, at the end of the day, add up to minutes. Therefore, to help you be more efficient, let's see how to change windows with the keyboard.

A very easy and quick functionality to learn, with which you will notice an improvement in your productivity. If keyboard shortcuts are your thing, this article is undoubtedly of interest to you, so don't miss it.

Why do you need to learn how to switch windows with the keyboard?

Why do you need to learn how to switch windows with the keyboard?

If you are wondering about the need to keep learning new tricks To use your computer more efficiently, here are some reasons that will encourage you to use the keyboard instead of the mouse:

  • More speed. When you change windows directly with the keyboard, you perform the operation faster than when using the mouse. It may take a little more at first, but once you master the keyboard shortcuts, you will do it almost without thinking and in a tenth of a second.
  • Efficiency. You will save having to move your hand from the keyboard to the mouse, and vice versa. This will speed up your workflow, and allow you to stay focused on what you are doing.
  • Reduce repetitive movements. If you work for many hours on the computer, you already know that repetitive movements of your fingers and wrist can be a source of discomfort. With this trick that we are going to see, you reduce the number of repetitive movements, thereby taking care of your long-term ergonomic health.
  • Accessibility. For people who have some type of disability or motor difficulty, working with the keyboard can be more comfortable than using a mouse.
    More fluid multitasking. If you are the king or queen of multitasking and always have a lot of windows open on your screen, this will speed up moving from one window to another.

How to change windows with the keyboard: everything you need to know

How to change windows with the keyboard: everything you need to know

We don't know what operating system you are using right now, so Here are the commands that you should use in the three most common:

How to change windows with the keyboard in Windows

Alt + Tab

Press the Alt key and then Tab, it is A classic when it comes to Windows keyboard shortcuts. By pressing these keys you will see a preview of the windows you have open. Then, as you click on Tab, you will move from one window to another.

Once you are in the window that interests you, all you have to do is stop pressing TAB and you can continue working.

Win + Tab

This command works on newer versions of Windows. What it does is open the task view, similar to Alt + Tab, but with lThe added advantage is that the interface is more visual and easier to use.

To move between windows you can use the arrow keys and press Enter when you have reached the one you want.

Additionally, if you combine Win with the arrow keys, you can:

  • Minimize the current window. If you press the arrow key down.
  • Expand the current window. If you press the arrow key up.
  • Move the window left or right. If you use the left and right arrow keys.

And there are some more tricks with the Win key:

  • Win+M: minimizes all windows.
  • Win + Shift + M: restores all the windows that you have minimized with the previous shortcut.
  • Win+D: Minimizes all windows, including those that do not actually have a minimize button.
  • Win + Home. Minimize everything on your screen except the active window. This is especially useful if you want to focus on one thing, but don't want to permanently close the rest of the windows you had open.

Alt + Esc

With this keyboard shortcut you can switch from a window to the one that follows it. It may not be as useful as the previous tricks, but it also helps you save time.

How to switch windows with the keyboard in macOS


It is the Mac version of Windows Alt + Tab. Hold down the Command key and then press Tab repeatedly to move through the different windows and open applications. When you get to the one that interests you, you release Tab and you're done.

Cmd + `

This shortcut is used to change windows within the same application. As in the previous case, you hold down Command, and use the grave accent key (`) to move between windows.

How to change windows with the keyboard in Linux

Alt + Tab

It is exactly the same as in Windows. As Click on Tab and go from one window to another, until you reach the one you want and release the key in question.

Ctrl + Alt + Tab

In some versions of Linux, this is the keyboard shortcut that allows you to switch from one window to another without using the mouse.

The origin of keyboard shortcuts

The origin of keyboard shortcuts

With these parameters that we have seen, you will have it very easy to move from one window to another without having to use the mouse.

Keyboard shortcuts are a classic in the world of computing, and were already present in the first operating systems, since these had user interfaces that were based on text. That is, to do things, you had to type a series of commands and combinations of letters and symbols on the screen.

The first graphical user interface systems arrived in the 1970s, and then the windows appeared, icons and drop-down menus. It was then that mice began to be used.

Over time, both peripherals, the keyboard and the mouse, created a synergy that has allowed users to use computers much more efficiently. But the mouse was never able to completely eliminate keyboard shortcuts, which They still work just as well today as they did decades ago.

Now that you know how to change windows with the keyboard, you will surely increase your work speed and comfort.

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