Gmail is the most used email service for most users. It is an option that we also use regularly for work reasons. In the account we always have the possibility of putting a signature in our emails, in which our name appears, and a text, for example. But first we have to configure said signature.
Therefore, below we show you the steps we have to follow to set up a signature in Gmail. In this way, you can always send emails with that signature in a simple way. A function that may be of interest especially for users who use this service for work.
Activate a signature in Gmail
The signature in Gmail can be a very useful option, in which put data that is a way of presenting or identifying ourselves. The normal thing is that when someone signs their account, data such as their name, the position or the company they work for are shown, in addition to some contact information (email account or telephone). It is a very comfortable option in this sense, which we can configure at all times in a simple way.
We will have to open our Gmail account settings first. We do this within the inbox, above the messages on the right we will see that there is an icon of a cogwheel. We click on said icon and a contextual menu will appear, where we find several options. One of them is the configuration one, on which we are going to click in this case. This configuration will then open.
We find several tabs, the first one is the general one, which we are already on. This is the tab in which we want to stay and we simply have to slide a little, until we reach the signature section. Default, we do not have the signature activated in our account. Therefore, the first thing we have to do is activate this function in the account, so that we can start configuring it. You just have to click on the option under "No signature".

Set signature
Once we have activated this option, we can start to configure the signature in our Gmail account. We have a text box available, where we will be able to write what we want in it, which will become our signature at all times. In addition, we are given the possibility of modifying said type of text (there are all types of fonts available), as well as the size or if we want to use bold, italic, etc. So we can create a signature to our liking.
The signature in Gmail even allows us to use photos, in case we want to put a photo of ourselves. This is an option that is gaining presence in companies, where a way to present or identify each employee of the same is sought. But this is already optional, unless you have been told in your company that you have to establish a photo of yourself in that signature in your account. In any case, to insert a photo you have to click on the photo icon and you can upload said photo already in the signature. It's not complicated.
Following these steps we will have already configured a signature in our Gmail account. When we have established it, we scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on the save changes button. It is essential that we do this, because if we just leave the page everything we have done is going to be lost, so we must not forget to do this. In this way, said signature is saved and from now on, in all emails that we send (whether they are sent or responses to emails that they send us) said signature will be shown at the end of them. Whenever you want, you can modify the signature by following the same steps that we have followed now.