How to turn an image into an icon in Windows 10

  • Windows 10 allows you to customize icons using your own images.
  • Images must be in PNG format with transparent background.
  • You need to convert PNG to BMP and then to ICO to use as an icon.
  • Changing an app icon is a quick and easy process.

Windows 10

Windows 10 is an operating system that gives us many customization options. This is something that users like a lot, and that they seek to take advantage of in many ways. The normal thing is that the applications in the system have their own icons. Although if we want, we can use others, turning an image into an icon on the computer. While many people do not know how this is done.

Therefore, below we tell you how to achieve this. So that you can turn any image into an icon that you will be able to use on your Windows 10 computer. It is an additional way of being able to customize the use of the operating system in a simple way.

This is something that we can use if we have changed the wallpaper, and we want to have icons that work well in that sense. So, have a much more personalized appearance on our Windows 10 computer. Best of all, being able to do this is really simple, requiring only a few steps to carry out.

Windows icons

Obviously, there are a number of aspects that must be met. The image in question must be in PNG format. In addition, it must show the silhouette or figure that we want to use in this icon, without having any background. We use the PNG format because it gives us a transparent background, which we can use to have only said silhouette. You can search Google for photos in that format, to make it simpler.

When we have found the one we want, we must convert this file to BMP format. This is a necessary step in Windows 10 to be able to use the image as an icon. If not, it will not be possible for the system to read it. When it is converted, we must change the file extension to .ico, something that we can do by editing the name of said file in a simple way. We have to do this step by going from BMP to ico. We cannot do it from PNG to ico, because otherwise it will not work.

Windows 10
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In this manner we already have said image in the desired format that we are going to use in Windows 10. So it is ready to be used as an icon in the application that we want in a very comfortable way. Below we only have a few steps, which you are going to see are really easy to complete.

Change an app icon

Change icon

The ability to changing the icon of an application in Windows 10 is not complicated. All users will be able to do it whenever they want. We just have to follow a couple of simple steps on the computer and then this change will be official. What do we have to do in this regard?

The first thing we have to do is click on the application in question whose icon we want to change. The normal thing is that this icon is on the desktop of the computer. For what we do right click with the mouse on the icon of this application. A contextual menu with various options then opens. The one that interests us, therefore the one we enter, is the property option.

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When we are inside the properties, we have to look for the customize tab. Within this tab we go to the section called Folder icons and we have to click on the button that says «Change icon». At this moment a window will open in which we have to search for said file in .ico format that we want to use as an icon in this app. Once found, we just have to click on accept.

Then the change will be made automatically on the computer. Thus, when we return to the Windows 10 desktop, we can see that said photo has already become the icon of the application in question that we wanted to use. We can repeat this process with all the applications we want on the computer. Thus, we customize Windows 10 a little more to our liking.

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