How to create charts with ChatGPT

  • OpenAI's ChatGPT has revolutionized AI-powered charting and graphing.
  • The tool allows for visual presentations of data, although its aesthetics could be improved.
  • Available charts include bars, pie charts, and export in different formats.
  • It is essential to consider the limitations of AI and verify the results generated.

chatgpt graphics

The irruption of Chat GPT of OpenAI has caused an earthquake within the field of Artificial Intelligence. An impact whose consequences remain to be seen. This language model powered by machine learning has come with the idea of ​​transforming everything. In this post we are going to demonstrate it once again and we will see how to create charts with ChatGPT.

First, let's go over ChatGPT's capabilities for creating charts, assessing its degree of precision and pointing out its limitations, which there are too. Then we will offer some alternatives which, due to their specific characteristics, may be more convenient.

It turns out that ChatGPT has also been revealed as A great tool for creating graphs and charts. The ubiquitous generative AI chatbot can synthesize large amounts of information, but also translate it into visual presentations endowed with great informative power.

This capacity is, at the moment, only available in the Plus version, for which you have to pay an additional price. There the interactive graphics functions await us. The truth is that, from a purely aesthetic point of view, the graphics generated by ChatGPT are quite ugly. But this is something that will surely improve over time.

Let's see below some simple ways to create tables and graphs with this Artificial Intelligence tool:

Create a basic table

Everything is easier to understand when we turn to examples. In our case, to generate a basic table, we have asked ChatGPT for the following: «Make a table with the largest cities in Spain». And this has been the result:

gpt chat table

We could have added more details to our request to achieve even tighter results: minimum number of inhabitants, specifying the autonomous community to which each city belongs, way of expressing the number of inhabitants, etc.

All of this can be achieved without problems through the free version of ChatGPT. Until recently, if in addition to a simple graph, what we wanted was to capture the data in a graph, we had no choice but to use paid version: ChatGPT Plus, the cost of which is $20 per month. However, this limitation now no longer exists. We will see it below.

Bar chart

Among other functions, ChatGPT Plus includes advanced data analysis from which it is possible create line charts, bar charts, histograms, pie charts, scatterplots, heat maps, etc. A very wide range of possibilities. Let's first look at how to make a simple bar chart. The selected question is this: «Make a bar graph with the largest cities in Spain». This is the result:

chatgpt bar chart

It is exactly the same data, but presented in a much more visual way. Despite this, it is important to note that Results may vary depending on which updated version of ChatGPT we are using. After all, AI draws from different sources and is constantly renewing its database.

Circular graphic

To try ChatGPT's ability to generate pie charts, we have changed the topic of the question. In this case it was this: «make a pie chart of the most spoken languages ​​in Spain». This is what AI has created for us.

chatgpt pie chart

Obviously, we do not discuss the fidelity of the data or the nuances that can be added (there are people who speak two or three of these languages ​​and, in general, practically 100% speak the majority language, so it is still could sharpen the results more). What interests us is the visual representation of data.

Here, as you can see, the tool has taken care of using a palette of colors contrasted enough so that the person observing the graph can differentiate each of the options. That's something that can optionally also be requested when designing a bar chart.

Export the graphics

Finally, let's see how we can export the graphics with the aim that these are more useful for our needs. To do this, using an example again, we will see the importance of specifying both the format and width of the file: "Export this graphic as a 3000 pixel wide JPG file."

chatgpt export graph

And this was the result: after a few seconds of waiting, a link titled «Most spoken languages ​​in Spain», so that we can Easily download it in JPG format with a simple click. 

Everything is very simple and practical, although it is necessary to insist that ChatGPT's AI is still somewhat far from absolute perfection. This means that we do not have to trust 100% in the results it offers us. Not only in this specific case. It is a recommendation that should be extended to all generative artificial intelligence tools.

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