We teach you how to delete a Microsoft account

  • Deleting a Microsoft account deletes all services associated with it.
  • It is essential to cancel subscriptions and transfer ownership of packages before deleting your account.
  • The elimination process is irreversible and permanent.
  • It is recommended that contacts be notified of the account change.

Microsoft accounts represent the gateway to a number of services offered by the company. However, scenarios may arise where we will need to delete ours, for example, if we have decided to create a new one for our tasks. In that sense, those from Redmond offer a mechanism for these purposes and for this reason, we are going to teach you how to quickly delete a Microsoft account.

The truth is that the option to delete this type of account is not that accessible and for that reason, we will show you not only what to do, but also how to prepare for this process.

What you should consider before deleting your account

What we see today in Google, where with an account you can access a variety of services, is something that Microsoft was working on more than 20 years ago. Thus, with a Hotmail address you had access not only to email, but also to MSN Messenger, its instant messaging tool. Nowadays, the number of services has diversified and in this sense, before knowing how to delete a Microsoft account, it is necessary to consider that this involves all the tools tied to it..

In that sense, within the information that will be deleted along with your Microsoft account is:

  • Your Hotmail, Outlook, MSN and Live email accounts.
  • All OneDrive files.
  • All Xbox Live and Gamer Tag information.
  • Your Skype account and all contacts.
  • Office digital licenses.
  • Your NuGet.org account.
  • Microsoft certifications and exams passed from the account in question.
  • Microsoft Reward balances and rewards.

Additionally, we have what is related to the subscriptions made through the account that you are going to delete. In that sense, it is necessary that you verify all the accounts that you have opened with her in order to cancel them and update them to your new address.n. Likewise, developers using NuGet.org will need to transfer ownership of the packages they manage on the service to their new account, before deleting the current one.

On the other hand, it is important that you send an email to your frequent contacts indicating how to find you after the removal of the user from Microsoft. Likewise, during the process, the system will request confirmation that you have taken all the precautions it requests.

Steps to delete a Microsoft account

If you have already taken all the necessary precautions so as not to lose any type of information or access to other accounts after deleting the user from Microsoft, then we are ready to begin. In that sense, our first step will be to go to the website of Microsoft accounts to log in and access the administration panel.

When you are on the main screen, go to the “Your Information” section that is located in the bar at the top of the interface, right next to “Microsoft Account”.

Microsoft accounts

This will take you to the section dedicated to all your personal data, from your name, display photo and phone number, to your date of birth and language. Scroll down and at the bottom of the “Account Information” section you will see the option to “Close Account”. This is the one that interests us for the process of how to delete a Microsoft account.

Close account

Immediately, you will be taken to a help page that offers recommendations on what you should do before deleting the account. In addition, it makes it clear that the purpose of the company in this case is to ensure that it is really the owner of the account who carries out the process and that you do not leave behind any necessary information. It should be noted that the deletion of a Microsoft account has a permanent and irreversible effect, so you will not be able to bring it back later.

Scroll to the bottom where you will see the subheading “To close your account” and in step 1, you will see the link to follow.

Close account

This will take you directly to the page that starts the task of deleting the Microsoft user. The first screen indicates the forecasts to be taken and also offers the possibility of establishing a deadline for the elimination. This will allow you to keep the information active for a certain time while you make backups and cancel subscriptions.

Days to close the account

In the next and last step, the site will take you to a confirmation page where you will have to mark that you have reviewed all the sections that are mentioned. This is done with the purpose that you do not forget anything and avoid losing data from your account. To finish, select the reason for closure from the drop-down menu that appears and click on the button “Mark account for closure”.

Mark account for deletion

Thus, your Microsoft account will be permanently deleted within the period established in the first step. In addition to the permanent and irreversible nature of this process, it is also important to note that, subsequently, you will not be able to create another account using the same name.

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  1. Responsible for the data: Miguel Ángel Gatón
  2. Purpose of the data: Control SPAM, comment management.
  3. Legitimation: Your consent
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  5. Data storage: Database hosted by Occentus Networks (EU)
  6. Rights: At any time you can limit, recover and delete your information.