How to delete a game from Uplay

  • Uplay is the digital store for Ubisoft games, such as Far Cry and Assassin's Creed.
  • Games must be managed through the Uplay app to uninstall them properly.
  • Uninstallation time varies depending on the type of hard drive: SSD or HDD.
  • It is essential to access the library to delete installed games.


We keep talking about video game stores and how to delete the different titles that we can install on our computer from these digital applications. Previously, we have already informed you of how to delete games from Steam and the Epic Games Store. Today it's Uplay's turn.

Uplay is the digital game store where we can find all Ubisoft titles, titles like Far Cry, Assansin's Creed, Watch Dos, Tom Clancy Rainbow Six among others. Like the rest of digital stores, the process to delete a game is not the same as to uninstall applications in Windows 10.

Like Steam and Epic Games, Uplay is a game launcher, a launcher that we must use yes or yes to be able to enjoy the games that we have bought and installed on this platform, so when it comes to removing them from our hard drive, we also have to make use of the application.

If you want to know how to delete Uplay games, then we show you to follow:

Uninstall Uplay games

  • Once we have opened the Uplay application, we go to the library. In this section, you will find all the games that we have bought.
  • Next, we go to the options of the game that we have installed through the Right mouse button and that we want to eliminate from our team.
  • To completely eliminate the game from our team, we must select the Uninstall option. Then a confirmation message will be displayed.

How long it will take for the game to uninstall it will depend on the space it occupies on our hard drive and the type of hard disk that we have installed in our equipment. If it is an SSD, the time will be only a few seconds, while if it is an HDD, the erase time can be several minutes.

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