How to clear temporary files in Windows 10

  • Temporary files in Windows can consume valuable storage space.
  • Windows 10 automatically deletes these files every 30 days.
  • The 'Free up space' application helps manage temporary files, although its use is not as intuitive.
  • It is possible to review and delete temporary files through system settings.

Windows 10

Windows temporary files have always been (and everything seems to indicate that they will continue to be) a nightmare for all Windows users, especially among those who have little storage space. These types of files correspond to downloads of updates that have been installed but have not been removed for any reason.

Windows 10 delete temporary files every 30 days that you have downloaded and that once installed, they are no longer necessary for the operation of our equipment. If you don't want to wait to gain valuable space, you can regularly monitor the space occupied by temporary files, in order to proceed to delete them.

Windows 10 makes the application available to us Free up space, an application whose operation is not as intuitive as one might expect, which is why many users have stopped using it. Fortunately, and as is usual in Windows, we have other alternatives to know what space the temporary files occupy and thus be able to eliminate them.

Delete temporary files

  • We access the configuration options through the keyboard shortcut Windows key + i. Another option is through the gear wheel that we find on the left side of the start menu.
  • Next, click on System> Storage.
  • In this section, the space occupied in the system by:
    • Applications and features.
    • Temporary files.
    • Desktop
    • Other
  • To access and check which are the temporary files that occupy space on our hard drive, click on Temporary files.
  • Within this section the space occupied by each of the following sections:
    • Downloads (files that we have downloaded from the internet and can be found in the Downloads folder).
    • Recycle Bin.
    • Windows update cleanup.
    • Miniatures
    • Distribution optimization files.
    • Microsoft Defender Antivirus.
    • Temporary files
    • Windows error reporting and feedback diagnostics.
    • DirectX shader cache
    • Temporary Internet files.
  • To gain free space, we must mark with a box all the options that we want to get rid of. In a native way, those that allow us to eliminate the considered temporary files to use are selected.
  • Once the options have been selected, click on the Remove button.

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