Windows 11 automatically turns on folder syncing in OneDrive. So you can disable it

  • Folder syncing in OneDrive allows remote access to files from any device.
  • Disabling synchronization can free up disk space and reduce bandwidth consumption.
  • Specific folders can be selected to sync, keeping control over uploaded data.
  • Preventing automatic syncing can improve system performance and prevent file conflicts.

Windows 11 automatically turns on folder syncing in OneDrive. So you can disable it

Although we cannot deny that cloud synchronization is very practical, there are some cases where we do not need it. Therefore, it is important to know how to turn off folder syncing in OneDrive.

If you are a Windows 11 user, you will have already verified that synchronization occurs automatically without the need for you to activate anything. But don't worry, because you can stop it.

Advantages of syncing folders in OneDrive

Advantages of syncing folders in OneDrive

For most users this functionality is very practical for multiple reasons:

  • Remote and real-time access. It allows you to access your files from any device with an internet connection and you can see in real time if any changes have occurred to them.
  • File backup and recovery. Automatic synchronization ensures that you always have a copy of your files in the cloud on hand. This way, if something happens, you can recover them without any problem.
  • Improved collaboration. If you work as a team, synchronization makes it easier for several people to work on the same document at the same time, and everyone will see the changes that each user makes to it.
  • Efficient storage management. Being a cloud system, you can have all the information you need at hand without having to download anything to your device. What's more, if you want to manage your local storage space more efficiently, you can choose which folders to sync and which ones not to sync.
  • Security and control. The Microsoft cloud uses an encryption system in transit and at rest that guarantees that your files will always be well protected. Additionally, you can manage access permissions if you share your files with other people.

Why turn off folder syncing in OneDrive?

Why turn off folder syncing in OneDrive?

It is clear that this system has multiple advantages, but there are also a good number of reasons that may make it interesting for you to deactivate synchronization:

Hard drive space saving

If your device is just right when it comes to storage capacity, Disabling this automatic synchronization frees up some space on your hard drive.

Bandwidth reduction

The constant synchronization that Windows 11 does by default means more bandwidth consumption, and this can be a problem if you have a slow connection or a limited data quota. In both cases, You'd better turn off automatic sync to save resources.

Synchronized data control

You probably have files or folders that, for privacy or security reasons, you do not want uploaded to the cloud. If so, disable the Syncing folders in OneDrive may be the best solution.

System performance

Folder synchronization takes place in the background and consumes system resources, which can affect the performance of your device. Therefore, if you have an old computer or one with very low technical specifications, it is best to do the synchronization manually when you deem it convenient.

Avoid sync conflicts

Although the system usually works well, it is not free of errors and failures. If these are common, desynchronization will prevent file conflicts and duplicates or errors from appearing.

Work on local files

If you need to work intensively on a large file that doesn't require continuous syncing, turning off updates will help you work faster and avoid interruptions.

How to disable folder syncing in OneDrive?

How to disable folder syncing in OneDrive?

There are several options, let's see them:

Turn off automatic folder sync

On your computer, locate the OneDrive icon on the taskbar and tap on it to bring up a pop-up window. Within it, choose the option “Settings and help” to open a new drop-down menu in which you have to select “Settings”.

In this new menu we go to the tab "Backup" and within the menu “Important PC folders” select “Manage backups”.

The system then shows us the Desktop, Pictures and Documents folders of which it uploads a backup copy to OneDrive automatically. If you want to pause syncing, all you have to do is click on each folder and leave them unchecked.

Now close the window, go back to “Backup” and go to the section "Photos and videos" > "Screenshots". Uncheck all the options you think are appropriate so that this content is not automatically uploaded to the cloud.

Configure which folders are synced

Configure which folders are synced

You don't need to unsynchronize everything, you can have some folders synchronized with your cloud and others not.

To do this, click on the OneDrive icon in the taskbar and select “Settings and help” > "Setting", from there go to "Bill" and click on “Select folders” > “Choose folders”.

In the new pop-up window that appears you can choose which folders you want to be available in OneDrive. Those that are not selected will be hidden in File Explorer. Then, confirm the operation by clicking on "To accept" and you have it ready.

Turn off automatic sync of Office documents

Turn off automatic sync of Office documents

By default, OneDrive synchronizes the Office documents we work with through it. If you don't want this to happen, you can disable this feature.

Again click on the OneDrive button and we will "Setting", to choose this time the “Office” tab and then uncheck the box. “Use Office applications to synchronize the Office files you open.” You click “Accept” and you are now assured that your Word and Excel documents will not be automatically uploaded to the cloud.

As you have seen, it is a very simple operation to perform in one direction or another. If at any time you need your folders to be synchronized again, it is as easy as following the steps we have seen and marking the files or folders you want to sync.

Turning off folder syncing in OneDrive allows you to make better use of the space you have available in your cloud, especially if you haven't switched to Microsoft 365, as well as protect your privacy.

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