Google Chrome is the most used browser on the market today. One of the best known functions in it it's incognito mode, which allows you to navigate without anything you visit being recorded in the history. A function that is used regularly in it. Although there are people who wish not to have this mode in the browser.
If this is the case, there is a possibility of disable Google Chrome incognito mode. We can do it on our computer at all times, following a series of steps. For those who are interested in doing it, we show you the steps that have to be followed in this case.
We are going to use the registry editor, so we use the regedit command in the taskbar to enter it. Within this editor, we have to go to this specific path: Computer \ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ which is where we can start with the process of disabling incognito mode in Google Chrome.
There we have to locate the registry key Google \ Chrome. It may be the case that it does not exist, although it is rare. In this case we must manually create this key. When we are inside this registry key, we have to look in it for the DWORD value IncognitoModeAvailability.
The normal thing is that this value is with the figure 0, that we have to substitute for 1. We give it to accept and we can exit the registry editor and then start Google Chrome on the computer. When we go to start incognito mode in the browser we will be able to see that it is not available in it.
In this way, we have already disabled this incognito mode in Google Chrome. If at any time we want to reactivate it in the browser, we must follow the previous steps, but put the value 0 in said key again. In this way it will work again as before.