How do you download images from a Word document?

  • Word makes it easy to download inserted images, saving time searching for resources.
  • Extracting images from .docx documents can be done by changing the extension to .zip.
  • Saving documents as web pages makes it easy to extract multiple images at once.
  • Knowing tools and tricks in Word improves the efficiency and quality of the work done.

How to download images from a Word document

Word is the text editor used by default worldwide. The Microsoft program has millions of users and, therefore, it never hurts to know a little more about its use to get even more out of it. If you have been faced with the situation of having to download images from a Word document, you are interested in what we are going to tell you.

In this tutorial we are going to see what you have to do to download and save images that are within a Microsoft Word document.

Why is it useful to know how to download images from a Word document?

Why is it useful to know how to download images from a Word document?

This functionality will come in handy if you want or need:

  • Reuse the image. To include it in another of your projects. This way you avoid having to do an online search to try to locate it. You simply download it from the document and you have it ready to use.
  • Edit it. You may want to use that image that's already in a Word document, but give it a new look through editing. If you run it through an editing program you can adjust its size, color, add text and different effects.
  • Store it safely. If you think the image may be useful to you later, you can download it and save it to your device or cloud.
  • Share it. Downloading images from a Word document is an easy way to share them with others who do not want to access the document itself. For example, if it is a confidential company report, you can download a certain image and share only that data with a department.

Guide to extract an image from a Word document

It can not be easier. We just have to open the document in question and look for the image that interests us. We click on it with the right mouse button and in the pop-up menu that appears we select "Save as image".

Then we only have to choose the destination folder, the name we are going to give the file and the format in which we want to save it. We confirm the operation, and we can check that the image is saved just where we want.

How to download images from a Word document: multiple images at once

How to download images from a Word document: multiple images at once

Word makes it easy for us to download an image of the document, but not so easy when we want to download all or a few. Because we would have to go one by one, doing in each case what we have seen in the previous section.

This can be very inefficient and a real waste of time if we want to download multiple images. But nothing happens, because there is a simple trick that makes it very easy for us and allows us to access all or part of images inserted into a Word document quickly.

Extract images from a .docx document

This format has been applied since Microsoft Office 2007 was released. Since then, has become the default for saving documents prepared in Word.

This extension tells us that we are dealing with a document that uses the Open XML file format, an open standard based on the XML language, which improves efficiency in both file size and processing.

That is, they are smaller files than those generated by previous versions of Office, more compatible, and talso more robust in terms of security and data recovery.

Well, if you are working with a document with a .docx extension, change the extension to .zip (You can do it directly from Windows Explorer). Then unzip the zip file. Click on it to access its content and click on the “Word” folder and then on the “Media” subfolder. Inside it you will find all the images of the document and you can save them wherever you want.

Another alternative to easily download images of a document with a .docx extension is this:

  • Open the document in Word.
  • Click on the tab "Archive" which is at the top left of the screen.
  • Choose the option "Save as"
  • Click on "Examine" to choose the save location and choose the one you prefer.
  • Display the window of formats available to save and choose "Web page".
  • This creates a folder within which you will see a subfolder with the images you were interested in.

Extract images from a document with a .doc extension

It is difficult for you to come across a document that has a .doc extension instead of .docx, but it can happen.

In this case you have two options:

  • Save it as a web page.
  • Open the document in Word and save it as a .docx. Then follow the steps we saw before.

As an extra tip, every time you are going to download images from a Word document, make a copy of it first. This way, if there is some type of problem and the file becomes damaged, you are sure to have a version that is in optimal condition.

Get more out of Word

Get more out of Word

The Microsoft text editor is a very useful tool at an academic and professional level. The more you know about it, the more you will be able to get out of it, so here are some little tips and tricks that will help you.

  • Learn keyboard shortcuts. They will allow you to save a lot of time in your work, because you will not have to keep moving your hand from the keyboard to the mouse every time you want to do common actions such as highlighting bold text or making a cut-paste.
  • Customize autocorrect. If you make a mistake repeatedly, customize autocorrect to resolve it automatically. You can also set it to convert certain abbreviations into full words.
  • Save automatically. Activating the auto-save function can save you more than one disappointment. In case the program closes unexpectedly, you will recover all or part of the work done.
  • Use styles and themes. This allows you to format your texts quickly and consistently. It is very useful if you need to always use a similar format for certain documents.
  • Follow the changes. If you work collaboratively on a document, with the track changes option you can see the changes made by other users very quickly and easily.
  • Use custom templates. They are of great help when creating recurring documents such as budgets or reports. With them you save time and ensure that there will be consistency in the format.

Learning more about the Microsoft text editor allows you to work more efficiently and achieve a higher quality result. Therefore, now that you know how to download images from a Word document, do not hesitate to put this new skill into practice.

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