How to download Windows 10 Pro

  • Windows 10 is offered in two versions: Home for consumer users and Pro for businesses or advanced users.
  • The price difference between versions is approximately 100 euros, with Home being the most recommended option for domestic use.
  • To take full advantage of Windows 10 features such as Remote Assistance, the Pro version is recommended.
  • Windows 10 licenses are purchased online, as Microsoft does not sell DVDs containing the operating system.

Windows 10 Pro

In recent years, we have seen how the number of Windows versions has been reduced considerably to practically the number reduced to two with the arrival of Windows 10 in the summer of 2015: Home version for individuals and Pro version for companies or experienced users.

Before the launch of Windows 10, we had at our disposal different versions, versions practically they did the same as others but with small differences. All this large number of versions did was confuse users and they ended up paying for versions that included certain features that they were not going to use.

As I mentioned above, Windows 10 is available in two versions: Home and Pro. The price difference between both versions is around 100 euros, so unless you really know the difference between both versions and what is it. what are you really looking for, most likely, you will opt for the Home version, especially if it is to be used in your home.

If, on the other hand, you want to get the most out of Windows 10, making use of, for example, the Remote Assistance connection, you will have to opt for the Pro version of Windows. Microsoft does not sell DVD with copies of Windows 10 in either version, but through its website sells the corresponding licenses to use it.

Where do I download Windows 10 Pro from?

In order to download both Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro we must resort to the following link. In this link, Microsoft allows us not only download Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 Pro ISO, but also allows us download a small installer with which we can create the USB drive corresponding to be able to install it in our equipment.

Once we have downloaded and installed our copy of Windows 10, to be able to use all the functions without it being blocked in the future, you never know, it is necessary to use a valid serial number.

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