How to enable and disable fast startup in Windows 10

  • Fast startup in Windows 10 reduces the loading time when you turn on your computer.
  • It works as a combination of hibernation and shutdown, making it easy to turn on.
  • It is enabled by default, but it can cause some problems on certain computers.
  • This feature can be easily enabled or disabled via the control panel.

Windows 10

Windows 10 computers have an option called Quick Start. Thanks to it, the equipment will take less time to load when turning on. What happens is when we use this option the computer does not turn off completely, but it is a kind of hibernation and shutdown. Thanks to this, turning on the computer takes less time. So that's what we earn.

It is a function that is activated by default on computers with Windows 10. Therefore, we can make use of it. Although it is a function that generates problems, that is why many choose to deactivate it. We show you the steps to take to enable or disable fast startup in Windows 10.

The process is the same in both cases. So it will be easy for you to follow and so you know at all times the steps we have to follow in order to achieve this. The first thing to do is go to the control panel. Therefore, we write control panel in the taskbar and access.

Control panel

Once there we have to go to the system and security section, the first one that comes out of all, as you can see in the image. When we have entered this section we have to go to the option called Power Options. We click on it and a new window opens with various sections. One of them is called Changing the actions of the on / off buttons. We click on it.

Energy options

Then a new window opens in which we have new options. At the top, the first one that we can see is a warning icon that shows us an option called «Change the configuration currently not available«. When we click on it, it takes us to the screen where we can activate or deactivate the quick start.

You can see that at the bottom of the screen a box appears with the name «Activate fast start (recommended)». So by clicking on this box we will be able to activate or deactivate the fast startup in Windows 10 depending on what we want to do.

Enable fast startup Windows 10

Once we have done this, we just have to click on save changes. Thus, you can enable or disable fast startup in Windows 10 whenever you want.

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