How to fix Boot BCD error in Windows 10

  • Boot BCD error prevents Windows 10 from booting.
  • Causes may include improper shutdowns or data corruption.
  • It is essential to use an installation disk or USB to fix the problem.
  • Running specific commands may restore access to the operating system.

Windows 10

It is likely that on some occasion it has happened to you that you are about to turn on the computer, normally, and you run into a problem. Windows 10 won't start and you get an error message on the screen. One of those that can come out in this case is Error Boot BCD. It causes us to be unable to boot the operating system.

There are many reasons why we get this Boot BCD Error in Windows 10. It can be due to turning off the computer incorrectly, information that has been corrupted, a virus or malware or a failure in the hard disk, among others. But the important thing in this case is to solve it. Since this failure prevents us from using the computer.

What this error causes is that we cannot start Windows 10, which forces us to look for different ways to solve it. First of all, we must have a Windows 10 installation disk or USB. And then we start the computer as if you were going to install the operating system. The duration of this may vary depending on the model you have.

Install Windows 10

When you get to this screen shown at the top, you must stop. Then, you must click on the text that says repair equipment that is displayed in the lower left part of the screen. Within the options shown we must click on solve problems. Then we open the advanced options and choose a command prompt. The next step is to enter three commands:

  • bootrec / fixmbr
  • bootrec / fixboot
  • bootrec / RebuildBcd

When we have executed these three commands we exit the command prompt window. Then, we can restart Windows 10 normally. Once we have done this, the problems should have disappeared and we will be able to use the computer again as normal. Thus, the Boot BCD error, which can be so annoying, will have disappeared.

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      Mauricio said

    Applying the third command exits total windows installations: 1
    [1] F: \ Windows
    Do you want to add the installation to the boot list?
    I say yes, it comes out:
    "Cannot find the requested system device"
    I give no and it comes out the same.
    The problem persists, what else to try?