How to fix internet connection problems in Windows 10

  • Internet connection is essential and its problems can be easily solved in many cases.
  • Using the Windows 10 network troubleshooter can resolve common connection failures.
  • Restarting your router or computer's Wi-Fi is often a quick and effective solution.
  • Checking your connection speed is crucial to identifying network performance issues.

Windows 10 connection problems

If you use your computer frequently, you have surely experienced internet connection failures that have not allowed you to work or get the most out of your Windows 10, this being more frequent the older the version of the operating system that we use. . In most cases this is resolved spontaneously from one day to the next or with a simple reboot, although on other occasions it is necessary that you perform a full analysis to find possible failures in the system.

These connection failures can occur for various reasons, however, you will not have to worry since in many cases you will be able to solve this problem quickly. To help you, below we present a complete analysis on this subject so that you can work and fully enjoy your computer.

How to solve internet problems on your Windows 10

The internet connection is a basic and essential tool for any device today. Whether we use the computer for work, entertainment or to keep up with the news, we need to be connected to a network. Fortunately there are many ways to solve this problem from the same operating system, without having to resort to more complex solutions. Here we present some of the most common solutions that can help you solve this connection problem.

Windows 10 Network Troubleshooter

Keyboard computer

Problems connecting to the network that appear spontaneously and recurring are usually easy to solve with simple steps, so, in general, you will not have to worry. One of the most useful tools in Windows 10 in this area is the connection troubleshooter. This system allows solving most common connection problems and detecting their origin.

To access it and check the connection status you will have to follow the following steps:

  1. Click on the button Home, in section Configuration
  2. Accede to network and internet status and select Change network settings
  3.  Once there select the problem solver and follow the marked steps to check the network and try to solve the connection problem

If the system correctly detects the problem and can resolve it, all you have to do is do this and your connection should be re-established. Otherwise, one piece of advice that we give you is that restart the router and the Wi-Fi connection from your computer, although many times it is not necessary.

Restart internet connection


One of the alternatives that we present to you so that you can recover the network connection is one of the simplest and also most used methods to solve any problem on our computer. It may seem like a very simple and useless way, but simply performing this reset can solve many of the problems without having to come up with more complex solutions, so you don't lose anything trying it. "Sometimes the simplest solution is the most likely."

First of all you will have to turn off the Wi-Fi function of your computer and turn it back on after a few seconds. It may seem like something very simple but it works in many situations. You can do this from the configuration button, accessing the network and internet section. Once here we will press the Wi-Fi button, which will be activated by default, and we will restart it.

When after reboot the connection is reestablished the internet, it is usually due to a problem of access to the network of the computer itself and not of the Wi-Fi to which we want to connect.

Restart the router

Another very simple, but also very useful solution to restart the internet connection is turn off and turn on the Wi-Fi router of the network to which we want to connect. One way to check if the signal is failing is to look at the Wi-Fi icon that appears on the router itself, along with others such as the power and ADSL/DSL icons. If the network icon is off, it means that there is no internet connection, being a failure of the router and not of our computer. If it is blinking you will not have to worry as this happens when there is connection traffic.


Surely you have restarted the router at some time for this same reason, you will simply have to turn it off and on in a few seconds. on reboot we establish a new IP connection, It can fix network failures and connection crashes. It must be taken into account that, if this works, we will not have a connection again until a few minutes have passed, so it is normal that at first you cannot find your usual network.

Solve connection speed problems

If you can successfully connect to the Wi-Fi network, but the connection speed is very slow and barely allows you to perform basic internet functions, the problem usually has a simple solution although there are many variables that can influence it. It is important to check if this connection speed has always been the same or has been reduced spontaneously for no reason.

If your connection has always been slow, we recommend that you contact your operator to find out the bandwidth you have contracted. This is the amount of data you can upload and download at a given time. It may be that the bandwidth does not allow you to browse faster, so you would have to hire another service.


If you have good bandwidth but your connection speed isn't as fast as it should be, here are some tips you can try to fix this:

1º) Install a signal amplifier when the router is far away or there are many obstacles in between. This is a good option, for example, if your house is very large.

2º) Move the router closer to the place where you usually use your computer. Even an option to maximize download speed is to use direct connection cable from the router to the computer.

3º) Monitor the number of devices connected at the same time, as well as the downloads or the use of the connection that they make. Sometimes the network is very saturated because there are many devices connected and there is a lot of network traffic, so it is normal for it to slow down.

Check connection speed

Computer, tablet and mobile

A quick and easy way to check if the connection problem is from our own computer or from the Wi-Fi network is check the connection speed of our network band. There are many pages where you can test this speed, but we recommend that you do so by following the steps provided by your network operator.

This test tells us what is the upload and download speed of our network, and if it agrees with the network band that we have contracted. If you connect your computer directly to the router, the connection speed will be higher, although this is not so relevant if you do not normally use this type of cable connection.

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