How to fix JavaScript: void(0) in Windows 10?

  • The JavaScript error: Void(0) prevents access to certain web pages.
  • Verifying that JavaScript is enabled in the browser is crucial to troubleshooting this issue.
  • Browser extensions may interfere with the execution of JavaScript.
  • Deleting site-related cookies may help resolve persistent issues.

PC user

Although browsing the Internet is an activity that has been made accessible to all users, it is not exempt from generating some difficulties. SThere are many elements involved in what is related to browsing the web, from the connection provider, through the network hardware, to the software components, where browsing represents our gateway. Each one has its peculiarities and susceptibilities and we have a clear example of this when entering any website and receiving an error. In that sense, we want to talk specifically about how to fix JavaScript: Void(0) in Windows 10.

This failure usually appears when we visit certain web sites or tools and prevents us from accessing the page and making use of its resources. For this reason, we are going to carry out a problem solving process in order to rule out the origin of the failure and solve it as quickly as possible.

What Causes the JavaScript: Void(0) Error in Windows 10?

If we could talk about advantages when an error occurs in the system, we must say that JavaScript: Void(0) has a very interesting one. Unlike the different error messages we receive in Windows, this one has the particularity of giving us a clear clue of what happens when mentioning JavaScript.

JavaScript has become a fundamental language for the web, being an excellent option for creating interactive content. There are even entire web pages based on JavaScript, so today's browsers have the ability to interpret and execute this language in their own environment. So, when the error in question appears, it is due to something related to the browser's activity encountering JavaScript.

To be more exact, the answer to how to fix the JavaScript error: Void(0) in Windows 10 is to solve what blocks the correct execution of the JavaScript code of the page or web service.

Javascript has no relation to Java

Before going into the matter of how to correct JavaScript: void(0) in Windows 10, we must highlight something very important and that is that JavaScript is not related to Java. We mention this because dozens of web sites indicate installing or reinstalling Java on your computer as a solution to this problem. This will be nothing more than a waste of time, since the execution of JavaScript in the browser has nothing to do with the incorporation of Java.

JavaScript is a language that runs on the client side, that is, in the browser, and since it is so widespread throughout the web, current browsers run it natively. Taking all this into account, we are going to immediately review the steps to follow to solve this error.

How to fix JavaScript:void(0) in Windows 10? Steps to follow

Check if JavaScript is enabled

As we mentioned before, how to fix the JavaScript: void(0) error in Windows 10 involves checking what is blocking the execution of JavaScript. In this sense, our problem solving process leads us to observe from the simplest to the most complex, and therefore, the first step will be to check if JavaScript is enabled in the browser.

We are going to give the steps to do it in Google Chrome:

Open Chrome settings: click on the icon of the 3 vertical dots and then enter Settings.

Chrome settings

Enter the section «Privacy & Security«. Then Scroll down and enter «Site configuration«.

Scroll down to the "Content" section and click on the option «JavaScript«.


Check the option «Sites can use JavaScript»

Sites can use JavaScript

In this way, Chrome will be ready to run any website or tool that contains elements based on this programming language.

Reloads the page bypassing the cache

If JavaScript was already enabled or you enabled it and the problem persists, our second step will be to refresh the page, but bypassing the cache. This is something worth trying, since after enabling JavaScript, the site may still show us the error due to what it caches. In that sense, the idea is to cleanly reload the site to verify its behavior.

It should be noted that it is not necessary that we do the process of deleting the entire browser cache. We can refresh the page by omitting it with the key combination: Ctrl+F5.

Eliminate cookies associated with the site

As in the previous step, you don't need to delete all cookies if you don't want to. The idea here is that we reload the page as cleanly as possible and if bypassing the cache didn't work, we can boost it by removing the cookies associated with the site.

Here are the steps for Google Chrome:

Enter the Chrome settings and then click on «Privacy & Security«. Then, go to "Cookies and other site data«.

Cookies and other site data

Scroll down and click on «See all site data and permissions«.

See all site data and permissions

Use the search bar on the right side to enter the name of the site in question and have it displayed in the list.

Click on the trash can icon to delete cookies.

Finally, exit Chrome settings, go to the page that is throwing the error, and reload it bypassing the cache again.

Disable extensions

In case you continue to receive the JavaScript: void(0) error when entering certain web pages, after carrying out the previous steps, we are left with an option that can be the definitive solution. Whereas, this problem is due to something interfering with the execution of JavaScript, so we are left to look at the extensions.

The extensions execute code in our browser and it is possible that some of them generate conflicts with JavaScript. Therefore, our last test in this process will be to disable all the extensions and verify if the error appears again when entering the page. In case it has been solved, then we have to start enabling the plugins one by one, until we reach the one that generates the problem.

Chrome extensions

To access the Extensions section, you just have to enter chrome://extensions/ in the address bar and press Enter. You will immediately be taken to the plugin management area where you will see the option to disable plugins.

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