How to force Windows 10 to save data on poor quality networks or low tethering

  • Windows 10 consumes data in the background, affecting users with limited plans.
  • Switching to a metered network helps control data usage.
  • The setting stops large updates from being downloaded automatically.
  • There are specific methods for different versions of Windows 10.

Force WIndows 10 savings

Windows 10 is an operating system that uses a lot of data in the background. It is a problem if one is online most of the time and frequently has to tether the laptop to connect to the smartphone network. Or you just don't want Windows 10 to be constantly downloading large updates, even if Microsoft says it does from time to time.

Although it is recommended that updates be downloaded as they come, they usually include hardware updates and security, sometimes it may happen that you want to take control of when and where it happens. There is a way to keep the amount of data that Windows 10 uses, by using a setting for metered connections.

Microsoft it means to this configuration like:

If you have a limited data plan and you want to have more control over data usage, turn the connection into a metered network. Some apps may work differently to reduce data usage when you connect to this network

What it does is stop the automatic download of updates in the background, with some large, and limits the heap of data that is obtained in the background.

How to save data under Windows 10 Anniversary Update

  • Already connected to the network, the network menu opens from the toolbar
  • We click on «Properties» under the name of the network
  • We activate the option "Set as metered usage connection"

This option can only be activated in the network in which it is connected. If you want to mark another network as a measure, click on "manage other networks", select a network and click on «Properties» to activate this setting.

Save data with Windows 10 but without Anniversary Update

  • Already connected to a network, we will "Settings" from the start menu
  • Click on "Network and Internet"
  • Click on Wi-Fi
  • We scroll until we find "Advanced Options"
  • We activate "Set as metered usage connection"


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