If we want to know the volume level that we have in the computer at that moment, tWe have to put the mouse pointer or click on said icon, the speaker. So we can know the volume that our Windows 10 computer has at that moment. Although this is not a problem, everything could be easier if the equipment showed us this volume level at all times.
The good part is that it is possible to have the volume displayed on our Windows 10 computer at all times. Next we are going to explain the steps to carry out. So if you want to have this possibility, you already know what to do.
In this case, what we need is a free application that we can install on our Windows 10 computer. Volume Percent Indicator. This application has been designed so that the volume level of our computer is displayed at all times in a simple way.
You can download the application at this link. A ZIP file is downloaded, from which we must extract the executable file, with an .exe extension, which is in it. We have to execute it and now We will have Volume Percent Indicator on our Windows 10 computer. It does not require any installation.
Once installed, in the inbox where we see the speaker icon, we will get a number next to it. This number represents the volume we have at the moment. Thus, before going to play any content on the computer, we will know the volume level to which it is configured. In case we want to download or upload it before playing said content.
In addition, if we click with the right button, we can access the Volume Percent Indicator options in a simple way and configure a series of aspects. Thus, thanks to this application you will see at all times the volume level in Windows 10.