How to improve YouTube performance on a resource-poor PC

  • YouTube is the most popular and versatile streaming platform in the world.
  • The h264ify extension improves YouTube performance on low-resource PCs.
  • The hardware-accelerated h264 codec reduces CPU usage significantly.
  • The extension is available only for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.


YouTube is today the most popular streaming audio and video platform in the world. In addition, YouTube has become something much more important than an entertainment window, we also have in it a tool when it comes to better understanding certain aspects, cultivating ourselves and even watching tutorials that will help us a lot throughout our day to day. However, the addition of more and more functionalities, makes YouTube begin to saturate notably in devices with few resources. Today is what we are going to solve for you today, we teach you how to perform YouTube on PC with few resources.

First of all, what we will need is an extension, it is called h264ify and it is what will help us improve YouTube performance on our PC with very few resources.

The trick is that this extension forces YouTube to force the h264 codec, which is a codec that is hardware accelerated, which will lighten CPU usage while we consume YouTube video on our PC. This is going to come to us in luxury if we usually navigate a lot through the new convertibles so common today, with a RAM memory and a quite bearable CPU, especially for low-power processors, which can be surpassed by YouTube.

In Google Chrome we could reduce CPU performance by roughly fifty percent. For this reason and for the autonomy of your PC, we recommend that you install this extension. It is quite easy to make it work, you just have to install it with the links that we have left right there and it will run automatically. Unfortunately it will only be available for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, but if these are your scouts, go ahead.

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      mayku said

    good tip, I tested it on an old laptop with an amd-e 450 processor which is very slow, only that it operates in the browser (there is an opera plugin that allows you to install chrome plugins), and you can see the difference .. obviously It will not have the precise fluidity in the videos with 60 fps but the reproduction is good with very slight frame jumps nothing that affects