Possibly on some occasion you have heard of progressive web apps. We can define them as a web page that you can open as if it were an independent application. Its popularity and presence has been increasing over time. You can make use of these applications on your Windows 10 computer. So that it will run in a window, as if it were just another application.
Next we are going to show you the steps to follow in Windows 10 to be able to install any of these progressive web applications on your computer. The process is not complex and so you can enjoy some of them on your computer. To do this, we are going to use Google Chrome.
In many cases, we have some of them available in the Microsoft Store. But, if there is one that interests you and you do not see it in said store, you can always use Google Chrome. The process to follow is something different, but this way you can have any of these applications in Windows 10 without too many problems.
So if you are interested make use of these progressive web apps on Windows 10, we show you the steps to install them on your computer using Google Chrome. If you already have the browser installed on your computer, we are ready to begin the entire process.
Install progressive web apps on Windows 10
The first thing we have to do is open any web page of these progressive web applications. We have several simple options, such as Android Messages, to access at this link. When you already have this website open in the browser, we will have to access the Google Chrome settings. To do this, click on the three vertical points in the upper right part of the screen, under the option to close or minimize.
When you do this, the browser's configuration menu appears on the right side of the screen. There are a number of options available. You will see that one of them is Install, followed by the name of the application that you have open at that moment on the screen. Then click on this option, in this case we have Android Messages open, so it is the one shown on the screen. The browser will then show you a small window asking you to confirm if you want to install said application. Click on the install button, to be able to finish the installation of it.
Automatically, you will see that on the Windows 10 desktop, a shortcut to this same application will be created, Android Messages in this specific case. As if it were an application that you just installed in a normal way on your computer. An access to it is also created in the start menu, which you can also check. In this way, when you want to open the application, you will simply have to click on that icon. It will then always open in a separate window.
From Google Chrome you will be able to manage everything related to applications Progressive websites that you install in Windows 10. So if you want to see the ones you have installed, manage their permissions or delete any of them from your computer, you will do it from the browser itself. For this, there is a specific section, which is chrome: // apps /. You can configure many aspects in this window, such as deciding which ones you want to open independently on the computer and which ones not. You can decide at any time, using said tab.
When uninstalling, although the Windows 10 start menu shows that you have this option, it is not really like that. The only way to be able to uninstall a progressive web application on the computer, is using google chrome. To do this, simply go to the address shown above. Undoubtedly, this way of installing them in Windows 10 can be extremely useful, as well as giving you the possibility of accessing applications that are not otherwise available.