How to install Windows 11 on a USB?

  • Windows 11 can be run from a USB without direct installation.
  • Requires an 8GB USB flash drive, a Windows 11 image, and Rufus.
  • Rufus turns USB into bootable Windows 11 device.
  • Ideal for rescuing data from computers that won't start.

How to install Windows 11 on a USB

Windows 11 is the most recent operating system from Microsoft, with very interesting and even radical changes compared to its predecessors. At the moment, Windows 10 continues to have a very large market share, however, its new brother continues to gain the trust of users after each new update. One of the features that adds a lot of value to this operating system is the ability to run without being installed. If you want to know how to do it, then keep reading because here we are going to explain everything you need to know about how to install Windows 11 on a USB.

We should not confuse this with installing Windows 11 from a USB, so we are going to immediately address all the doubts that may arise in this regard.

How to install Windows 11 on a USB?

As we mentioned before, this is not the same as installing Windows 11 from a USB. Installing an operating system on a USB enables it as a bootable device, allowing the system to run on any computer. For its part, installing Windows from a USB is nothing more than installing the operating system on a computer with the USB memory as an installation medium.

The utility of knowing how to install Windows 11 on a USB is multiple. Having an operating system that boots from a USB memory will allow you to access any computer, in order to extract the information from its hard drive. This is precisely what technicians do when they need to rescue data from a computer hard drive that won't boot. On the other hand, it is an excellent tool for when we need to use a computer, but we don't want to leave our data. So, it will be enough to start the computer from your USB with Windows 11 and do everything from the Windows 11 Live session, without having to open your mail in someone else's guest session.

What do I need to install Windows 11 on a USB?

Installing Windows 11 on a USB right now is a really simple task, although it does require that we have some elements. First of all, you need a USB memory with 8GB of storage or more, a Windows 11 image and a program that allows us to make the USB memory bootable. For this, we will use the application Rufus, a true classic within this type of task that will allow you not only to make the USB recognized as a bootable device, but also to give Windows 11 the ability to run in its Live version.

It is a completely free and very light application, which also has a portable version, so you won't even have to install it.

Steps to install Windows 11 on a USB with Rufus

Rufus is a really intuitive application to incorporate operating systems on USB sticks, both for installation and live booting. Once you download it, run it and you will see the small window appear that contains all the options we need to install Windows 11 on the USB memory.

Insert the USB into the computer, wait for it to be recognized and select it from the drop-down menu that shows Rufus as the first option on its interface. Next, we must select the Windows 11 image that you previously downloaded, if you have not done so, then follow this link to have one.

Now comes the key step and that is to click on the “Image Options” drop-down menu and select “Windows To Go”. This will incorporate the necessary components on the USB to boot the operating system without the need to install it on a computer.

Finally, click on «Start Searching» and wait for the process to finish. Next, try the Windows 11 USB stick that you just created and to do this, you will have to restart your computer and go into its boot order to select the USB stick. To access this section, you will have to check the manufacturer page of your equipment, because it will depend entirely on the brand.

Once you have chosen the boot medium with Windows 11, you will see how the operating system session starts and you can start using it immediately. It should be noted that the performance will depend to a large extent on the type of USB connection that we are using, so try to do it from a USB 3.0. While Windows 11 comes with a huge library of drivers to ensure it works on as many computers as possible, it's not completely foolproof. Therefore, the scenario may occur in which the operating system does not recognize some component of a computer.

As we mentioned before, it is a great alternative to use as an emergency key when rescuing data from a computer or recovering access. Windows 11 is an operating system worth starting to use and doing it this way is also a great approach. If you have a USB stick available, feel free to equip it with Windows 11 using the mechanism we explained above and you will have a recovery tool for any eventuality.

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